Tuesday, 15 May 2012

I must confess. I'm struggling to find some diamonds. It feels like I'm digging and digging and digging and I can't find anything. Everything seems so normal. Everyday is just passing by and nothing is happening except for my stormy emotions. I'm bored to the bone. I even gave up trying to talk about my emotions for nobody seems to care and nobody understands. I no - I'm just complaining ..... and complaining but ......

Maybe my diamond for today should be that I'm normal. I'm just an ordinary person who has, well ...... the regular stuff. A car, a husband, children, a house to live in, a job, food to eat, clothes to wear and .......

Okay - This a lot to be thankful for. 

Maybe it is the ordinary stuff that should be our diamonds. The everyday stuff. Maybe the blessing is to have ordinary stuff as my diamonds. There is no guarantee that it is the extraordinary stuff that leads to happiness. Maybe the trick is to see the ordinary stuff as extraordinary. 

Well, I'm just guessing. 

I don't know the answers to the questions I'm asking. I don't know the answers to the questions you are asking, but maybe if we start thinking about it we can help each other. 

All I can tell you is let us turn to God's Word.... I found something in James 1 that gave me some hope. I'm not going to tell you for it will be better if you let God speak to you in His own way.

If you are normal threw your own eyes, don't be so unhappy for every person has his/her own idea of what it means to be normal. Remember threw God's eyes there is no normal. God didn't settle or make us to be normal and unhappy; He made us to be whatever He intended for us to be. But we can only become that person if we trust God enough to lead us and guide us towards becoming that person.

As I'm writing now, I'm figuring this out ..... and I really hope you can figure it our too.

For ordinary is the best place to be ..... as long as you are ordinary with God by your side.
BUT remember ..... With God by your side there is no such thing as ordinary........only

It all depends on - from which angle you are looking at your life. 




Sunday, 13 May 2012

 Light !!!

In the beginning there was nothing and then God said, Let there be light !!
God separated the light from the darkness.
He called the light day and the darkness He called night.

This was in the beginning...Have you ever given more thought to this. Nowadays we create light with electricity. We just click a switch and then the light goes on. We get a lot of different types of light.

Have you ever thought about the deeper meaning of the word light. 

God orders us to let our light shine. He wants us to be the light in this world. In Matt 5:14-15 Jesus says, You are the light of this world........Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a peck measure, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. God wants us to stand up for what we believe in. He wants us to live our lives for the world to see the difference He has made in our lives.
 Let His love shine threw us onto this world. 

In Ps 36 ...... in Your light do we see light. God Himself is light. When we believe in God we are witnesses to His light. God's light is like our fountain   of life. 

In Ps 119: 105 God's Word is described as the lamp to my feet and the light to my path. God's word is our guideline. When we spend time reading God's Word we will get the answers we are looking for. 

Light in the Bible has been described as sweet and pleasant, it has been described as bright and marvellous.  

It is actually very simple.
When you think about it you will realise:

When you decide  to give Your life to Jesus and to life in His light you will get eternal life. 

As I see it, next time you put on a light, see it as a reminder of your own light. Is your light shining bright. Does your light leave people breathless, wondering ???? 

Threw God's light we receive eternal life. 
Did your light make a difference in some one else's life ??

This is all questions I don't really want to face. This is all questions that everybody needs to answer for themselves. Every one of us is responsible for our own choices. We can decide to let our light shine or we can decide to put in under a peck measure. 

But let me just ask you this final question: Do you want eternal life ???

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Today, I feel like sharing this with you. I didn't write it myself but it somehow felt like my diamond for today.

by David Wilkerson
[May 19, 1931 - April 27, 2011]

Listen to this prophesy from Isaiah:

“O you afflicted one,
Tossed with tempest, and not comforted,
Behold, I will lay your stones with colourful gems,
And lay your foundations with sapphires.
I will make your pinnacles of rubies,
Your gates of crystal,
And all your walls of precious stones.
All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
And great shall be the peace of your children.
In righteousness you shall be established;
You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear;
And from terror, for it shall not come near you”
(Isaiah 54:11-14).

What an amazing prophecy! The “colourful gems” mentioned in verse 11 are jewels. If you know much about jewels, you know that a diamond was once a piece of coal that has been worked on for years by the elements.
 God’s Word is telling us: “Your afflictions are meant to change you into something
beautiful—something precious to Me!”

The “pinnacles [windows] of rubies [agates]” mentioned here are a type of
quartz, made transparent by fire. The “windows” aspect has to do with eyes or vision.
 God is saying that trusting Him through your afflictions will give you clear vision and discernment. 
It will allow you to see into the unseen with crystal clarity.

Many scholars believe the phrase “gates of crystal” reads more accurately as “gates of pearl.” Pearls are formed from a grain of sand in the belly of an oyster. The grain is injected with fluid, then grated and irritated until it
becomes a pearl.

Think of all the grating, irritating friction in your life. What is God doing?
He is making a pearl!  Every pearl is a memento of suffering, pain, friction.

I believe Isaiah is talking about the beauty of Jesus Christ in this passage.
In other words, affliction, when allowed to accomplish its work, brings about a
people who shine forth the beauty of Christ’s character. It makes us more and
more like Jesus.

I really hope this message will open your eyes to see what God is doing in your life. I really hope it helps you to cope with whatever it is God is throwing your way. I really hope that you will be patient during this grinding process - for sometimes it may take a little time. I urge you to seek our Lord and Saviour and praise His Name.

He has something great planned for you. !!!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

My diamond for today should definitely be jewellery.

This must sound very materialistic, but in my case it is not. One of my hobbies is to make jewellery. I don't do it very often - but sometimes the inspiration jumps at me and then I can do it for hours. For days in a row. When I am finished, I sometimes wear it a few times, sometimes I just look at it and other times I give it away. Sometimes when I want to create something new I just cut the cord and start all over again.

I really like the process of putting something together just the way I like it.
The other thing I like is the feeling when I look at it and it is absolutely beautiful.
And when I wear it and someone compliments me on my jewellery - it feels like I went to heaven.
To think I created something, someone else also likes.
I only sold a few pieces - but for me it will always be a just a hobby.

Okay let's be honest. When I'm busy making jewellery my mind stops working. All my troubles disappear and for that moment I forget all my troubles. For that period I'm in my own world, you can say it is like a therapy session. When I'm making jewellery, it feels like I'm in control. I can make my own decisions based on what I want. I can choose the colours I like and arrange them according to my taste. I don't have to impress anyone. Sometimes it is good to go to that place where you can just be. You forget how lonely you are and for that brief moment in time you are content.

But, remember I can only do this for a brief period, once in a while.

Have you ever thought of God as the creator of all things big and small. Have you ever thought about how creative He is. To make everything on earth, everything with a purpose and all of mankind unique. Everyone his own person with his own personality. Every flower and every tree smelling and looking different. Every animal, the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky and all the insects. As they say in law:" I rest my case."

You need to see for yourself the bigness of it all.
 You need to see for yourself how great God is. 
You need to learn to look and listen for yourself.

All I know is that it is fun to walk in the shadow of God's protection.
It is fun to be creative.
It is fun to adore real diamonds - but I'm also happy with my costume jewellery.

 For the real diamond in this world is God, and that is the only one worth looking for. When you find Him everything else will fall into place - just as He intended for it to be for you.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Finally - It seems time is my biggest enemy. Between my job, my children, my husband and all the other guests that visited me during the last week .... there was no time for blogging. But, believe me - I've blogged the whole time. My heart was blogging all the way.

I think my diamond for every day, during the last few days should be patience.

I am not a very patient person. People that know me very well usually joke about it when I'm trying to do everything in a hurry. Always telling everybody to hurry up. I hate being late. I also hate it when people are taking there time when getting dressed or something like that...... 

Needless to say, I had to work on my patience during the last few days. I needed to be friendly when I was tired and I needed to smile when I was irritated. I also needed to take other people and there speed into consideration. I know this sounds terrible, but this is the truth. My patience were pushed to it's absolute limit. 

Children without manners, people taking advantage of my hospitality and people using me ..... This is just a few things that pushed my patience to the limit. Also lies.......

Lucky for me - I remembered something very true. 

This is a lesson I've learnt over the last few months. 

You must focus on God. People will always be people. All of us has flaws. All of us has different ways of doing things. That is the way God made us. That is why we are unique. 

So threw focusing on God, I survived. He guided me threw the whole weekend and blessed me with lots of good times. He gave me strength when I was tired and He protected everyone that came to visit. 

All I can say now is:
 "Thank you Lord for blessing me with the patience to carry on when I was getting impatient, for blessing me with love and for blessing me with friends and family. May all of them be blessed with Your grace and may they find peace in knowing that You are our Father and that You love us very much.
Father, and no that I am alone again. Father bless me with the patience, to seek the silence to hear the soft whisper of Your voice. Your guidance is the only way for me to move forward."

Let us all be patient with each other.
 Let us all be patient in the decisions that we are making. 
Let us be just as patient as God is with us.
Let's search for this diamond and polish and protect it, 
for this is a diamond, even God has himself.