Today I am totally amazed. It's been too long. My last blog was about trust. Over the last year I have learned to trust God. I've learned to trust the Christ in me. I have been blessed.
Things have changed a lot. Today I am unemployed and as happy as can be. I made the decision to leave my job - I am trusting in God's dream for me.
I can't even choose a diamond for today. I have a bag full of diamonds. My husband, my family, my children, my friends, just being peaceful and content.
Yesterday it was my husband's birthday. For the first time since we've met we invited some friends over for a dinner party. Correction we invited our family over for dinner. It turned out to be a feast indeed. A feast of people coming together, people just being themselves, people who are spiritually connected. I didn't think it was at all possible to be so connected with friends but when God is the centre - anything is possible. My dream for people all over the world is to experience what I have experienced over the last year. When you discover who God created you to be, when you realise who you are, when you take the time to be still and listen. When the Truth is revealed to you and you decide to submit your way of thinking. I promise you - you're life will change.
My children is just awesome. They are growing up so fast. My children - words cannot describe how proud I am of the people they've become. My prayer for them it that they will know the plans God has for them and be acceptable to the journey that He has created for them.
I've made a lot of good friends when I was running the gift and coffee shop. Unfortunately the season at the coffee shop has come to an end but I pray that the friendships will last forever. I think that during the next few weeks I will see if it was made to last or if people were just using me for their own benefit. Whatever happens - I submit my way to God's way. He can see the big picture - we only the here and now.
Peace - What a feeling ?? Contentment. Christ. In my life these three things go hand in hand. They are intertwined like the branches of a sweet pea. We have been created in the image if God - but we still have the ability to make choices. The choices we make can either be for God or against God. We can be obedient to His voice of we can be disobedient.Every time you make a choice you will have to live with the consequenses of that choice. Please take my advice and learn to walk in God's way. His way is the only way to peace, to contentment - to true spiritual fulfillment.
I've shared my bag of diamonds with you today. Hope you can find bags of diamonds too.
Thank you God for all my diamonds.