Saturday, 11 February 2012

In everyone's live there is some diamonds. Those small things that look as if they have no impact on our lives but when you look closely you will realise the impact they have on our daily lives.

The whole idea of this blog is to focus on the small things, the things that we sometimes take for granted.

One of those things for me, today, is the television.

I know it is a really bad habit to have, watching television the whole day. For some people it had a really negative impact on their lives however if used wisely it can also have a positive impact on your life.

Let me tell you about the story I watched yesterday. As I was jumping from one channel to another I came across a story where someone was telling her life story. She was living with HIV for a very long time before telling everybody she knows. As she said - she was banging at deaths door. But she got better and now she is using her testimony to empower women. To talk about the things no-one else wants to talks about, especially in the rural areas. This was a really inspirational story.

Because of my husbands job we can't always go to church on Sundays and yes, sometimes we are just lazy too. It is then when we watch Hillsong on television. A 30 minute church service.
 This has been a blessing in our home on many occasions. 

Today, as I was ironing our clothes I watched the movie Platteland. It was so relaxing. It helped me to forget the bad work that I was doing. It is a great movie !!!

I have found lots of good and bad on the television.
We as individuals have a choice.

 We can choose to use our television wisely or we can let it be a god in our home. A god who we choose above everything or anything else. A god that we put above spending time with God or above spending time with our families and husbands. A god that we choose to worship everyday. A god where the things of the world are promoted so eagerly.

We can also choose to use it wisely and within limits. We can guide our children to watch only the good, educational and uplifting stories. We can use it as a tool to serve God.

We must however remember that this can also be something we take for granted. We must remember that this item have a huge impact on our daily lives and those around us. A impact that can't be ignored. An impact that can be very positive, but also very negative. 

This is a diamond that can rob you of very special moments if not used within limits.

What I'm saying today is let us be thankful for our televisions. Let us ask God to grace us with the wisdom to use it wisely. Let us not forget that sometimes a diamond can make a thief out of some ..... but it can be a blessing to others.

Diamonds !!!
 I love my diamonds !!!
 It makes me focus on the positive in life instead of living in fear of what might happen in the future.
Don't miss the diamonds in your life.
Search for them as I search for mine.
For diamonds are sometimes very hard to find.

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