Today my diamond is something I haven't thought about in a long time - Babies.
Babies are little miracles God give to us. Some of us are more lucky than others. Some of us are even blessed with more than one. Some of us are blessed with boys and some of us with little baby girls. All babies are unique. Little baby girls can turn big, strong men into jelly. When those little fingers touch there daddy's hands, there hearts just melt.
What a miracle !!!
They are so little, but they have so much power.
We all rearrange our lives when we have a baby. Everything in our world changes. The way we look at ourselves as well as the way we look at the world. The impact a baby has on our live is so big, but it also brings us a lot of joy. However with all that joy comes many sacrifices. First we have to get used to little or no sleep at all. Then, because we want to protect them we are extra careful of where we go and what they are exposed to. Sometimes we even have to leave that beautiful pare of shoes we want so badly because our babies need something else. But you know what - What a blessing.
If you ask anyone they will tell you the same thing - They will do it all over again !!!
I visited a friend today with a five month old baby. She has the most beautiful blue eyes and she is absolutely adorable. Then someone sent me a picture of another baby girl, a new born. Babies are so precious. When they look at you and they smile. They are so pure. Unaware of all the worldly chaos. They look at you with such high expectations and with no judgement, just love.
I hope that you will love and protect the babies in this world. Enjoy this precious diamonds for they are gifts from God. Send to you with love.