Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Today my diamond is something I haven't thought about in a long time - Babies.

Babies are little miracles God give to us. Some of us are more lucky than others. Some of us are even blessed with more than one. Some of us are blessed with boys and some of us with little baby girls. All babies are unique. Little baby girls can turn big, strong men into jelly. When those little fingers touch there daddy's hands, there hearts just melt.

What a miracle !!! 

They are so little, but they have so much power.

We all rearrange our lives when we have a baby. Everything in our world changes. The way we look at ourselves as well as the way we look at the world. The impact a baby has on our live is so big, but it also brings us a lot of joy. However with all that joy comes many sacrifices. First we have to get used to little or no sleep at all. Then, because we want to protect them we are extra careful of where we go and what they are exposed to. Sometimes we even have to leave that beautiful pare of shoes we want so badly because our babies need something else. But you know what - What a blessing. 

If you ask anyone they will tell you the same thing - They will do it all over again !!!

I visited a friend today with a five month old baby. She has the most beautiful blue eyes and she is absolutely adorable. Then someone sent me a picture of another baby girl, a new born. Babies are so precious. When they look at you and they smile. They are so pure. Unaware of all the worldly chaos. They look at you with such high expectations and with no judgement, just love. 

I hope that you will love and protect the babies in this world. Enjoy this precious diamonds for they are gifts from God. Send to you with love.

Monday, 23 April 2012

What is the job you are doing today ??

Are you happy in doing this job ??

What do you think the reasons is for you being at this job at this very moment ??

Is your job a blessing or a curse ??

Threw who's eyes are you looking when you are looking for the answer's to the above question ??

Can your job also be a diamond ??

Well, I would say that your job can be a diamond. Mine .... I don't know ??

I think that is why I'm writing this blog ?? Maybe there is some one out there who's job is there diamond. 

I think your job is suppose to be a diamond. If you believe you are at the right place. If you are doing exactly what you know in your heart God intended for you to do, then your job will be your diamond.  Even when you have bad days you will have the ability to look pass this and still see the the diamond shining. 

Someone once told me that we need to look at everything threw God's eyes. We need to look at the deeper meaning, at the big picture. Someone once told me that nothing happens without a reason. Someone once told me that God will never put you somewhere without a reason. What do you think about this ??

I've been trying to look deeper. I've been trying to find the reason for me being at my current job and for that matter being at my previous job ?? But I, me and myself could never found the answer. Why ?? This answer I do know. I am not suppose to look for this answer by myself. I as a person will never find this answer in the flesh. I need to focus on God. We all need to talk to God. When the time is right He will show us what we need to know. He will answer all our questions. We must ask Him ??  We must trust Him completely and when things are getting tough we must find our peace and strength in his presence.

I'm going to try to find the peace God intended for me to have while I'm working. I'm going to try to be God's messenger and to stand up for what I believe He wants me to stand up for. I'm going to try be humble with dignity and authority and to be an example of what it means to live your life with love. I'm going to pray that God will give me the strength I need to do my job properly. I'm going to pray that He will give me patience. Without God none of us can do our jobs and prosper.

I hope your job can be described as one of your diamonds. 

Mine ..... I'm still digging for that diamond.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Some weeks are harder than others. 

That's a fact.

I'm so glad that for the last two years God sent some one my way to help me to see the big picture. He sent some one to cry with me when things got rough and to smile with me when things were easy.

This weekend I had to say goodbye to this person.
 Obviously she was a big part of my life and she is my diamond for today.

At first I was very sad, although I knew that God were calling her to move on. But, today after all my tears I can smile. I know I'm going to miss her very much, but one of the things she teached me was to put my trust in God. And some how, in this reality, I find peace. I am so happy for her. For all the opportunities God will send her way. I am so happy for her because God is giving her the opportunity to move forward, to grow once again. She has so much guts. I know she will be blessed in every thing she does because she never does anything before asking God what He thinks. She is patient in waiting for His answers and when she has them she will not hesitate to be obedient. She has been such a terrific teacher,  friend and inspiration to me. I will never forget everything she did for me and for my family.
 I wish all the people in the world could see her smile. 

And to all her knew friends I would say - what a privilege that God blessed us with a friend like her.

To her I would say: May all your dreams come true. May God bless you and may your heart always stay as pure as I've known it to be. Thank you for being such a blessing in my life. I will smile with you as you move into the future. The one God intended for you to have. May you, as the butterfly of this world, be successful and may you find true love and happiness. May you find peace in God's presence and may you be aware of His arms wrapped around you, every day. Hope we will be friends in the Spirit for ever. Love you always.

To everyone else I want to ask you to think about your friends. Think about every one you know. Appreciate them when they are still around. Appreciate all the cups of coffee, all the slices of cake, all the times you just said hi. Care for each other and be a blessing to one another. 

You may never know. God works in mysterious ways. 

I really hope each one of you has such a diamond in your life. For know I'm letting my diamond go. 

See you soon - my friend.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

As I was wondering about today. Going through all the emotions and everything that happened I got a feeling of  guilt. This picture tells the whole story. 

I feel so guilty. I was really horrible to some one that I work with. And the whole day I was trying to figure out what to do or what to say to make this undone. But I can't make it undone. It is too late for that. What I can do however is listen to God as He is speaking to me.
 I can go back to His Word and listen what He says. 

We must sometimes forgive ourselves, admit that we were wrong and pray that we will be forgiven.
 Not and easy thing to do. 

My diamond for today will without a doubt be my conscience.

What does your conscience tell you. Did you know that when you start to live in the Spirit you become more aware of your conscience. It is as if the Holy Spirit has taken over my flesh and made my spirit His home. Everything that I do, everyday reminds me of His presence. 

It is a very intense feeling. One I wouldn't trade for anything in this world.

What is you conscience telling you ?? Do you listen or try to ignore it ?? Is the Holy Spirit part of your conscience or is your conscience filled with cartoon characters like in the cartoons. You know that little devil on the one shoulder and the little angel on the other ??

It is sometimes easier to ignore your conscience. It is easier to ignore the difficulties in life. It is much easier to just walk away and forget what you've said or done, but as I've also learnt over the last few months. God will never stop. He will never give up. God is a God of patience. 

I've been trying so hard to be more patient, to give love, to live my life as Jesus lived His. Being humble, being friendly etc. Unfortunately I haven't been very successful. Everyday I find myself failing in another way.
Maybe I'm too hard on myself ? I am just human. But that is no excuse. We must keep on trying every day.
I know what my reason for failing is. Do you know what is yours ??

I really hope that, today you are taking a moment to reflect. Think about all those people who hurt you and think about all the people you've hurt. Think about the consequences of your actions and your words. 
Did you hear that little voice in your head telling you, you were wrong or did you choose to ignore it.

I hope that you realise, just as I did today, that your conscience is indeed a diamond. A diamond given to you by God. Don't leave it underground. Don't stop searching. This can be the most special diamond of them all. This diamond can be cleaned and it can shine. It can light up your heart and soul. 
It can be a blessing to so many people.

Listen to your conscience as it is God speaking to you in a very unique way. Only you can hear His voice. Listen and obey God. He loves you so much.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Today I feel like writing in colour.

Blue - The colour of peace, of calmness. Correct me if I'm wrong. Blue the colour of the ocean. 

It seems I'm not ready to let go of my holiday feeling just yet. The memories and the scenery are like pictures, like portraits set in my mind. Every time I close my eyes I will remember, something different. Something beautiful. Something breathtaking.

This is what my diamond for today is - Something special, something you'll want to remember.

So I was on vacation and it was fun, but there are so much more to life.

Today I went for coffee with someone very special. Although they went through such an ordeal the last few months, she was still smiling. I could see that she was tired. She and her family did so much for us. 

The thing is - Something new is waiting for them over the horizon. They will be blessed with something beautiful and I find myself wanting to remember them as they move forward in life. As they are moving forward towards God's purpose for there lives. What an amazing adventure.

I must say - I have so much respect for them.
 Walking in the spirit of faith.
 Admitting that all of us has some deficiencies. 


The thing is, as I've realised today. God is always with us. We must never, for one minute, think that we are in control of our lives. God sends people to us, every day, with a reason. Not one thing happens that isn't in God's plan for us for today. Even though we think we made the arrangements or we were so clever.
 God is always there. 

When God sends some one your way. How do you treat them ?? Do you even realise why He intended for you to meet ?? I think most of us are so rushed in our everyday lives that we forget to take time to look closely at the people God sends our way. We sometimes choose to see only the bad, only the feathers, but what about the difference we can make in there lives or the difference they can make in ours. 

Today I want to ask you to take some time. Look at the people around you. Even the people you think might be insignificant. Ask yourself why God placed them there ?? Ask yourself if there is anything you can do for them ?? Ask yourself what you think God's purpose with this encounter might be.

I think you will be surprised. 

I know I was !!!

Because every one God send our way is a diamond. Some of them are pink and some of them black. Some of them might be small and some of them might be big. But every diamond is important and every diamond has a purpose and most importantly, every diamond was created by God !!!

Enjoy your diamonds !!!

Hope you found lost of special diamonds today !!!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012


I'm so glad to be back. When I opened this site today it felt like I was home. How can this be ?? The thing is as they say: "Home is where your heart is."

Well - My heart has constantly been here. This blogspot means the world to me. I've missed writing down my thoughts. I've missed taking some time out to think about every day.
 About every blessing God sent my way. 
I hope when you read this, you will feel at home too.


I must confess. I had a splendid, very blessed holiday. This I can say for sure, was my holiday of miracles. Every day God opened my eyes a little bit more. He opened my soul. 

Sometimes it is good to just pack your bags and let God take you somewhere else. We can become trapped in our every day life so quickly. It is then when we get stuck. Stuck in emotions, in daily routines, in singing the same "songs" day after day after day.

This holiday was a holiday full of new experiences. I've seen a lot of new places and I tried a lot of new things. Things I haven't done before. The amazing thing is - I could feel God's protective Hand the whole time and even more amazing - I saw a lot of miracles. This is the only way I can explain God's creations. 

God created the sea, the mountains, the trees, the fish in the ocean, the plants and most importantly God created people. He ordered us to take care of everything He created. And He blessed people with the brains and the skills to build roads, to build tunnels, to make wine, to build houses and open museums, to build cars, trains and ships and soooo much more. What a privilege to be blessed with this realisation. 

God is Almighty. Do you really know how small we as people are if you look at the big picture. I suppose there is no other way of putting it as, we are but a spot. When you look up at the mountains and see a waterfall, when you look out over the ocean and can't see the end of the water, when you look at the beauty of life under the sea, when you walk in a forest with trees that are hundreds of years old - can you picture this ??? Some of it looks as if God put it together piece by piece. Not one mistake. We as people are so small. Yet God made us caretakers of His creations.

I'm so overwhelmed by this .... I find it difficult to put it into words. 

This is what this holiday was for me. It was my eye opener. It was a journey God planned for me to show me that even though I'm small, He cares for me. He will be with me and He will bless me. His miracles wasn't just for everybody else to see. He created them for me to.

Even when we were high up in the mountains and even when we were driving on some dangerous roads and I was really scared. God gave me  the courage to see what He intended for me to see. 

 He has the power to do anything.
 He has the power to create everything out of nothing.
God made everything perfect.
 He is God Almighty.

All I can say is: "Thank you Lord".

Thank you Lord for this blessing.
Thank you Lord for the miracle of life.
Thank you Lord for the miracle of being part of your Kingdom.