Thursday, 19 April 2012

As I was wondering about today. Going through all the emotions and everything that happened I got a feeling of  guilt. This picture tells the whole story. 

I feel so guilty. I was really horrible to some one that I work with. And the whole day I was trying to figure out what to do or what to say to make this undone. But I can't make it undone. It is too late for that. What I can do however is listen to God as He is speaking to me.
 I can go back to His Word and listen what He says. 

We must sometimes forgive ourselves, admit that we were wrong and pray that we will be forgiven.
 Not and easy thing to do. 

My diamond for today will without a doubt be my conscience.

What does your conscience tell you. Did you know that when you start to live in the Spirit you become more aware of your conscience. It is as if the Holy Spirit has taken over my flesh and made my spirit His home. Everything that I do, everyday reminds me of His presence. 

It is a very intense feeling. One I wouldn't trade for anything in this world.

What is you conscience telling you ?? Do you listen or try to ignore it ?? Is the Holy Spirit part of your conscience or is your conscience filled with cartoon characters like in the cartoons. You know that little devil on the one shoulder and the little angel on the other ??

It is sometimes easier to ignore your conscience. It is easier to ignore the difficulties in life. It is much easier to just walk away and forget what you've said or done, but as I've also learnt over the last few months. God will never stop. He will never give up. God is a God of patience. 

I've been trying so hard to be more patient, to give love, to live my life as Jesus lived His. Being humble, being friendly etc. Unfortunately I haven't been very successful. Everyday I find myself failing in another way.
Maybe I'm too hard on myself ? I am just human. But that is no excuse. We must keep on trying every day.
I know what my reason for failing is. Do you know what is yours ??

I really hope that, today you are taking a moment to reflect. Think about all those people who hurt you and think about all the people you've hurt. Think about the consequences of your actions and your words. 
Did you hear that little voice in your head telling you, you were wrong or did you choose to ignore it.

I hope that you realise, just as I did today, that your conscience is indeed a diamond. A diamond given to you by God. Don't leave it underground. Don't stop searching. This can be the most special diamond of them all. This diamond can be cleaned and it can shine. It can light up your heart and soul. 
It can be a blessing to so many people.

Listen to your conscience as it is God speaking to you in a very unique way. Only you can hear His voice. Listen and obey God. He loves you so much.

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