Today is a very special day. My daughter will remember it forever.
If you think carefully...... I am sure you also have a day, a very special day, one that you will never forget. Some of us are lucky and we have more than one special day. Some of us are still working towards our special day.
I think, personally that the most perfect day for everyone of us will have to be the day you were born. Think about it, it is the day you entered into this world. It is the day when you were responsible for someone else's special day. How amazing !!!!
Sometimes your special day is a planned event. Something like a wedding or a birthday party but sometimes something special happens unexpected. I'm thinking along the lines of a special gift, a surprise holiday, a new job opportunity. Maybe you will be meeting your solemate today. Just think about it - anyday can be a special day. One of those days you will remember forever.
There is just one catch !! To have a special day you have to put yourself out there. You have to be open to the possibility of a special day even if you are scared or if bad things happened to you in the past. You have to trust God - He have something special planned for you too.
If you are having a special day today I am happy with you. If you are still searching ..... I'm praying that God will open your eyes to the possibilities. I'm praying that He will help you see that you already had one special day too, just like the rest of us.
A special day !!! I'm so excited. Hope you have one too.
If today is a bad day. Please .... hold on to God. Look for His footprints in the sand and remember He is carrying you and that means today is a special day for you too.
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