Monday, 20 February 2012

At this moment it is getting really hard for me to keep on going. It seems my diamonds keep on getting harder to find. I think at this moment my life is so busy that the time for me to be quiet, to focus on the positive things in my life, is getting harder to find. I wonder if this is normal. I love writing. I love the challenge of mining in my mind to find the positive things. The things that are so small but has such huge effects on our daily lives. I know that this is only a temporary hurdle and that there is a diamond for today -
 but where do I find it ?

Let us start by reliving my day. I had very little sleep last night because my little girl is sick. I was lucky at work for everything fell into place and I got the time to take my little girl to the doctor. Okay, there is my miracle. In the town where we live it is almost impossible to get a doctors appointment on the same day. Sometimes you'll have to wait two to three days for an appointment. Today I got lucky - I got one on the same day. The diagnoses was pretty obvious when the doctor heard the symptoms. The medicine was not that expensive - I expected a lot more in rand value. Luckily my husband was in town and could take my little girl home to rest. I could go back to work and finish everything I had to do. When I picked up my son after rugby practice he was smiling. The chances was that he got chosen for his school's first rugby team, so far. Nothing definite yet. When I got home it was the usual, cooking,cleaning and homework.
 My little girl was so glad to see me... and I was glad that she was okay. 

What do you think ?? Where is my diamond ??

I think my diamond for today should just be.... to be.

Yes, sometimes it is so obvious. After the day I had I'm glad to just be. I'm glad to just be home. Home with my family after a hard days work. I'm glad that we can eat, love and joke together. Play with the dog. I'm glad that today we were blessed in so many ways. 

You see what happened today, happened for a reason. It will definitely have an affect on my day tomorrow. It will definitely influence my opinion on something in the future. It will definitely create some opportunities for the future. I don't know what exactly this opportunities will be or when they will arise but I know they are coming.
 I know that what happened today gave me peace, a calmness.
 I know that God put us in this town for a reason and after a day like today I can bear it. It is as if He is showing me that I will survive. Everything I need is right here. I just need to know where to look and appreciate the people around me that are helping me in this season of my life. 
Thank you to my co-workers, my friends, the doctor, the pharmacist, the rugby coach and all the other people in town. You make life bearable.
 Even if sometimes we complain we are happy just be.

What does this mean ?? 
It means to be at peace, to love, to have hope for the future and to never give up dreaming.
For God is our King and He will provide.

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