Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Today my diamond for the day is reading. 

I love to read. It is something that makes me forget about everything. It can make you forget where you are and  take you to far away places. Our imagination is a powerful tool.

It can give you information a broaden your overall knowledge. There is books available on every topic. 

These days you can read about anything, any time and every where. The inter net gives us access to a lot of information. However the thing I love to read the most is a love story.

Do you know that the love stories that people write are so pleasant. You can just sit back and read. Sometimes it will make you want to cry - and other times you will just smile. And when they bring the twist of the war into the books.... well I rest my case. Every story is so romantic and the people are so beautiful.
 I love picturing these stories in my head.

At the moment though I don't really have time for such stories so I tried something new. I tried a biography. The one about all the spring buck rugby players. Every one of them writes a little something about themselves. What a surprise. The stories they told surprised me. It really is an inspirational book. I think I love this kind of story because it makes you realise that everybody has a story to tell.

Everybody, no matter if they are famous or not has, somewhere in there life, been hit with sadness, with difficult choices, with happy moments, with the death of a friend or a family member and all of them had to make the choice - Either I believe in God or I don't.

It is just sad that some of us has to be so stubborn. God has to talk harder to some of us before we listen, before we open our hearts to Him.

Have you ever had the privilege to read the stories in your Bible. Yes, there are some books in the Bible that reads just like a story. Rut is one of those books. You can read it over and over and over again and each time you read it you will notice something different. It reads easily - but the meaning of this story. God also has some surprises for us. His stories will also fascinate you. 

I hope that you will try reading something new - today.

Remember, everybody has a story to tell. You can even write your own story. 
There is, and I'm just learning this now, no better way of sole searching than writing. There is no better way of getting to know yourself as to write your own story about you. You will soon realise that your life is much better than you thought because who wants to focus on the negative in there own life. It is much better to write about the positive. But remember the bad days helped you to appreciate the good days.

And in the future when you are reading - think about the writer for there is little pieces of his/her sole in that story. It took guts and it took a lot of time to write, whatever you are reading.

Appreciate the stories ....... appreciate your life !!!!
Appreciate your story .... for it will have a happy ending... just like God intended for it to be !!!

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