Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Painkillers !!!

What - You are so out of line. I know. I'm not promoting pain killers - but pain. Pain is no fun. Especially when that pain is something like toothache. It makes your whole head pain and then it makes you grumpy and irritated. You want to eat but you can't. Is it the way to losing a few pounds ???
 Maybe, but it is very painful.
Lucky for me, my pain is only temporary. In a few days it will all be over and in the meantime I'm drinking my painkillers, within the given limits, off cause - to just get on with the day.

Pain, if you think of it seems like such a short word - but it can have such a huge effect on your life and those around you. Physical pain is rough, but I'm also talking about emotional pain. How do we cope with it ??

I'm no expert on either of them. I've always had painkillers for the physical pain.

Emotional pain, however is a whole other story. I suppose every one of us was hurt emotionally sometime in our life. I also think every person deals with his/her pain in a different way. I've read of some people acting like total jerks, to hide their pain and then there is other who becomes a "joker" to hide there pain. Some people abuse alcohol or become addicted to drugs. Some people go out of their way to hurt others just to hide there own pain. And yes, some people trust other people with their pain in the hope of never being hurt by those people they trust. And then there is those of us who just cry from the morning to the evening, we sulk like there is no tomorrow. Lucky for some, most of the above ways to deal with emotional pain leads them to someone who can lead them to God. The most powerful healer of all time.

Today, in this world I pray for HEALING. I really hope that healing will take place in our town and all over the world, especially in the lives of those people we care about. I hope that people will realise that God is there. He is never far away. He has the power.

He has given lots of people on earth the ability to pray. They must pray for people and nations in pain. No painkiller can stop people from going to war over things they have no control over. No painkiller can kill the pain of a parent or child or friend dying unexpectedly. No painkiller can kill the fear we have of rejection or the fear of being a failure. No painkiller can kill any emotional pain caused by murder or rape or any kind of abuse. No painkiller can kill the pain of fear, of not knowing the future. No painkiller can replace God !!!

I hope that wherever you are and whatever your pain is - you will be patient with yourself. I hope you will keep on looking and I hope there is someone praying for you.

Today I pray that God will heal the world !!! I pray that He will take away every one's individual pain so that we can help each other heal. I pray that you will keep your faith in the midst of your pain and expect your  miracles. God will make them happen !!! He can make them happen !!!

God please heal everyone in emotional pain and be with everyone in physical pain. Please Lord take there hands and the hands of there families and friends. Make them strong threw this time. Please God be the Healer that we need you to be, now and forever.
We trust you.
Thank you Lord for the healing that is taking place all over the world right now!!

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