Wednesday, 29 January 2014

My diamond for today is ......... ????

Let me start by just sharing with you. God is an awesome God !!!

I hope that you never get tired of hearing how great our God is. This truth will truly set you free. There are so many bondages and strongholds in our lives. There are so many reasons why we, sometimes seems to forget this truth.

Let me repeat !!!! Our God is an AWESOME God.

Our God is the only God. He knows us inside and out. Everytime I read a scripture or listen to someone it hits me all over again. You know there will be days that I will think about something and then someone will tell me - Yes just like this scripture in the Bible and then a few hours later I will read something, coming from a totally different part of the world, coming from people that don't even know me, and it will be the exact same scripture. How amazing ?? Every time I will be blown away. Can God truly know me this well ?? Is He trying to tell me something ??

The answer to all of the above - YES !!!!!!

Our God is an awesome God. He knows us. If you spend time with Him you will hear His voice. If you are unsure of anything ask God - He will give you peace. He will give you the answers that you need. Believe. Trust. Wait. Pray.

Our God is an awesome God.

It is with a tired body and a smile on my face that I write this blog but I know my God has something awesome planned for me and my family this year and He has something
awesome planned for you too. God will be my guide. He will provide. I will keep the faith.

Our God is an awesome God.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Today is a very special day. My daughter will remember it forever.

If you think carefully...... I am sure you also have a day, a very special day, one that you will never forget. Some of us are lucky and we have more than one special day. Some of us are still working towards our  special day.

I think, personally that the most perfect day for everyone of us will have to be the day you were born. Think about it, it is the day you entered into this world. It is the day when you were responsible for someone else's special day. How amazing !!!!

Sometimes your special day is a planned event. Something like a wedding or a birthday party but sometimes something special happens unexpected. I'm thinking along the lines of a special gift, a surprise holiday, a new job opportunity. Maybe you will be meeting your solemate today. Just think about it - anyday can be a special day. One of those days you will remember forever.

There is just one catch !! To have a special day you have to put yourself out there. You have to be open to the possibility of a special day even if you are scared or if bad things happened to you in the past. You have to trust God - He have something special planned for you too.

If you are having a special day today I am happy with you. If you are still searching ..... I'm praying that God will open your eyes to the possibilities. I'm praying that He will help you see that you already had one special day too, just like the rest of us.

A special day !!! I'm so excited. Hope you have one too.

If today is a bad day. Please .... hold on to God. Look for His footprints in the sand and remember He is carrying you and that means today is a special day for you too.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Everyday is full of possibilities. Everyday something can happen - either positive or negative.

My diamond for today will have to be - possibilities.

Everyone I know has something different happening in there life at the moment. For some today will be a very fulfilling day and for others today will be a day of fear or maybe a day of great loss. Even though all of us have a job, a husband and children our circumstances is different. Our personalities is different - which means that everyone experience everything differently.

The possbilities are endless. Some of us love the sea and others love the bushveld. Some of us love hunting and others love fishing. Some kids love school and others hate every second of it. Living on the farm is heaven for some people while others think living in the city is much better. Some kids are good in sport, others in academics. The differences in opinion and character are endless - but do you know what this means ?? More possibilities.

The more people and the more different scenario's the more is the possibilities for each and everyone of us. We can't grow if we don't look at all the possibilities. We need each other's differences to help create opportunities.

What a blessing to know that there will always be possibilities. There will always be the chance to change whatever is negative today into a positive tomorrow. What a blessing to know that because of all our differences we can help each other when things are rough. There will always be someone loving an animal somewhere. There will always be a farmer somewhere providing us with food. There will always be a doctor or a nurse taking care of the sick. There will always be parents, grandparents, children, teachers etc etc etc.

Do you get the picture ??

Life is full of possibilities. God created the world that way. God gave each one of us gifts and talents and He wants us to use them. We must be quiet and sometimes very patient. Let God  help you turn your possibilities into reality.

Every diamond I find represents a possibility. I can either share it with you or keep it to myself but if I keep it to myself it means I choose to keep my blessings all to myself. My wish for you for today is that my diamonds will open your eyes to see your possibilities. I pray that your possibilities will turn out to be a blessing and that it will lift your spirits with hope. Hope that is ankered in God - our Almighty Father. The One who has the power to turn every possibility into a miracle.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Today, I'm trying something new. I am writing this blog in the morning. Why ??

I think it is because I have an expectation for something happening today. I don't know what it  is going to be but I know if I am positive and trust God, it will be something great.

Isn't it a beautiful diamond to find. That diamond tht gives you hope. That diamond that keeps you positive, the one that puts a smile on your face as you start dreaming about the day ahead. The possibilities for today is endless.

This diamond can either lead to excitement or it can lead to fear.

How are you going to handle this diamond. Are you going to let people discourage you or are you going to give it to God. Let Him be the keeper of this very special diamond. Are you going to submit and trust Him completely to guide you. Let things happen the way God intended for it to happen.

It is with a smile on my face and some butterflies in my stomach that I am writing this blog.I've decided to give this diamond of mine to God. I've decided to trust Him for the promises He made to me in His Word is true. God will never forsake me. He will protect me. He will love me - always. He will provide in all my needs. He already gave me so much to be thankful for.

I can't wait for the rest of this day. Thank you, Father for being my hope, for taking care of this diamond of mine - today and forever.

Love !!!!!!

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Today I want to focus on sharing. Sharing is such a beautiful concept. There are lots of things we can share with each other. We can share food, we can share clothes, we can share our hearts and our souls. We can share the good times and the bad times.

Every day there is something to be shared.

Over the last few days we were sharing in my mother's joy. She will be 60 on the 18th of January. She is such a beautiful women. She is the heart of our family and she is always there for us when we need her.

Today I shared a cup of tea with a new friend. What a blessing. Sometimes we meet people but we don't really get to know them until we start sharing our hearts. Let me tell you, when you start to share your dreams, when you start to share your hearts - this is when you get to know each other. Sometimes you will be surprised and sometimes dissapointed but God will always create the opportunity for you to be blessed.

God created us to live a life of sharing. There is always someone telling us that by sharing your time, your energy, your money or your time you can make a huge difference in someone's life. They are always telling you that the reward for giving is much better than the reward for receiving. I know that this is true.

I'm so glad that I can share my chocolates with my children.

I am so glad that God created us to share. That God created us to love one another. God wants us to share our dreams and our blessings with each other. The more we share, the more He will give, but please remember it doesn't always need to be something materialistic. Sharing comes from the heart. We can share love, laughter and pain. We can just share a cup of tea. We can just give our time.

Sharing can make a huge difference in your own life but also in the life of someone else. What a precious diamond to find. I really hope that when you find this diamond you will share your joy with someone special and help them to find this diamond too.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

2014 !! What a year !!!

I don't think anyone of us expected this year to turn out the way it has so far. Bad things happening all around me.

I wanted to name all the bad things but I couldn't. A diamond is something precious, it is something beautiful. I think if I have to pick a diamond for today it will be my friends.

During the last two years I made a lot of friends - each one of them special in there own way. Some live nearby and others live a little bit further. Some of them come to visit me every day and others I see about once or twice a year but each one of them plays an important role in my life.

I wonder ?? I have a question for you today ?? How am I suppose to handle this ?? One of my friends is going threw a very difficult time at this moment. I want her to feel special, to feel appreciated. What can I do ?? How can I make her realise that she is some-one special. She has so many good qualities.

Another thing !! When did it become allright to look the other way and turn your back on what God intended. When did it become allright to live like the rest of the world just because it  is easier - just because it is what everybody else is doing. This question is making me crazy ?? Maybe you have the answer.

Okay - back to my friends. I really hope you have some friends in your life. Some people that care enough to take the time to get to know the real you. People who love you  no matter what you are wearing and what type of hairstyle you have. People who will cry with you and who will laugh with you. I really hope that you have found this diamonds too.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Today I am feeling a little bit overwhelmed. Yesterday was just one of those days. I wish everybody had the same priviledge that I have being married to my husband.

No - he is in no way perfect. None of us is perfect except for God himself - but if we just take the time to see the person God wants us to see - we will see perfection.

He has some issues with his health, he doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke. He has integrety and is honoust to the bone. You can trust him as the employee who will work, even if the boss isn't around. He will do whatever he can to help others and he will bend over backwards to spend some time with his family - even if he is tired and not feeling very well.

My husband has this thing you call faith !! He trust God and He will never question anything happening in our lives because God has a purpose for everything and He will carry us threw.

He helps me with the housework, he makes breakfast for the kids. Okay - enough !! He is my diamond !!

The thing is we would rather be together than apart. We would rather fight than to just go our seperate ways every day - we need each other to be the most we can be.

There is lots of marriages falling apart. The reason - every couple is different. The answer to the questions my friends ask me - I don't know. I don't know how to safe all the marriages out there. I don't know how to protect every-one from the pain they are feeling. I don't know how to comfort them and I don't know how to help them to believe that everything will turn out for the best.

All I know is this. God is the centre of my husbands universe. My husband would rather go to church than to a bar. He would rather stay home with his family than party with some friends. Does this make my husband different ?? Yes !! Is this the reason why I still love him with all my heart ?? I am sure.

You see the thing is. We aren't rich and we aren't poor but God has never stopped providing  in all our needs.

The only thing I can say is this - God is our Provider, He is our King, He is our Saviour and He is the only one who can help each  and every-one of us keep our marriages safe.

Please make Him the centre of your universe. He will help you to reconnect. He will guide your tongue. He will lead you to make the decisions He wants you to make. He will open your eyes and show you the things that are standing in the way of every couple out there's true happiness. He will carry you threw the storms.

Please !!! Please!!! Please !!! Don't try to change your partner into who you think he or she should be. Please accept each other as God accepts you and if there is any differences- meet each other halfway. Listen to each other, talk to each other and trust God.

You will soon find your diamond !!! Even if it isn't perfect !!! It is the diamond God wanted you to find !!!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

2014 !! We are now two days into the new year and my overall feeling is very positive. This is going to be a very positive year for all of us with lots of new things happening.

Me and my daughter have started an exercise programme and we are having lots of fun. Although the Zumba makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable it doesn't feel like exercise at all. Behind closed doors we are having a ball.

If I can just keep up with the cooking and the cleaning. I hate every moment I have to spend cleaning. It always seems that there is something better to do. I can use this time for other things such as blogging, reading and having fun with my children. They are growing up so fast.

During this last months we also had a lot of friends visiting us at our home. I always tried to keep people away from my home - being ashamed of a lot of things but lately I realised that what I see is not at all what they see. If they are the friends I believe them to be they will look past all the things that's been a problem for me. Luckily they know my circumstances.

I am sure that there will be plenty of diamonds in 2014. Lots of small things happening having a huge impact on our future. I am also sure that whatever happens God will be with us all the way - He will help us and guide us. I am very positive that He has big plans for our future. Let us spend our time talking to Him. Let us work on our relationship with Him as our Father. Let us be who He created us to be.

I hope you know who He created you to be because at this moment I am not going to tell you. It took me a lot of time to finally accept who I am and who I was created to be in this world. If I tell you it would be to easy. I've heard it from a lot of people and never understood it anyway, until I heard it from God himself. Until He revealed it to me in His Word. Now I will never foget. Please, spend time with God - He will reveal it to you too.

There is no bigger diamond to be found than this one.