Friday, 8 May 2015

Diamonds. In my mind I see this picture of beautiful shiny rocks. Some of them big and some of them small. I find myself shocked at the beauty. The different colours, the opportunities locked up inside of every one.

We - ourselves are diamonds. I find myself reading 1John 4 v 17 - He is, so are we in this world. Do you have any idea of who you are ?? Just like a diamond there is some potential locked up in each one of us. We need to be teachable. We need to open our hearts and lives to the truth. The truth locked up in God's word. Don't be a fool. Don't be influenced by the fake world out there. Search for God.

Did you know that you, as a representative of God on this earth, are the one who has been chosen to let God's dream for this earth come alive. Without us - There is no dream. God's dream - to fill the earth with His glory.

Are you making a difference ? Are you representing Him on this earth ?

Suddenly I find myself hearing all the excuses. I don't have time, I don't have any money, I am too busy, I don't live in the city, I am very shy, I am too fat, I don't know where to start..... Need I say more. I've been there. Excuses. Excuses.

Now for the truth. You don't need to be any one. You don't need to be rich, you don't need to be beautiful - all you need to be is the person God intended for you to be when He created you. Reach out to someone. Love unconditionally. Be patient. Share whatever knowledge you have. Give a hug. Carry a bag. Listen to someone elses story without telling yours. Look at people in the Spirit. Don't be fooled by the flesh. Continually renew your way of thinking to serve God's purpose. I can go on and on. The moral of this story is - IN A FEW MINUTES, WITHOUT ANYTHING, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE BY JUST BEING YOURSELF.

Being yourself, however is not as easy as it sounds. See God created each one of us differently. Each one of us has our own skills. That one thing that makes us unique. He also gave us the ability to make our own decisions. Why would I remind you of that ?? Because in there lies the key to unlocking the truth about ourselves.

You see we have to choose to walk our lives in light. We can also choose to walk our way in darkness. Light equals with God. Darkness equals without God. Although all of us has been created to His image and likeness not all of us has unlocked the truth of exactly what that means for us.

I don't want to be cruel, I don't want to offend you but I must ask you. Have you made the choice. Have you decided to accept God and walk in the light. Have you opened yourself up for God's way. Have you made yourself available to Him no matter what the cost. Have you taken the time to become the diamond He created you to be ??

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