Thursday, 7 May 2015

I'm freezing. The weather turned cold today and I didn't plan on it. In the mood for hot chocolate and marsmallows.

I am spending my days with friends in the most awesome coffee shop. It is spacious and the music is very relaxing. As they say - Good coffee and great friends make the perfect blend. It is so true.

I think my diamond for the day would have to be my friends - old ones and the new ones I'm making every day. When I was running the gift and coffee shop I had a lot of fun. We as friends created awesome memories. When I left there I thought that it would be the end of all that memories. I was wrong. It was the beginning of a whole new road for me. I still don't know where it is leading but the road I am on is very interesting. Every time I think I am going to stay at home for the day - a friend calls. It seems that our friendships are as important to them as they are to me. I am so grateful.

When you google, friend,  there are thousands of positive and uplifting messages about friendship. There are poems and prayers and songs about friends. Friends found and friends lost.

For me, who never had any girly friends, I think the friends is much more of a blessing than they realise. All of them has a special place in my heart. Age, looks, job description and money doesn't even matter. We accept each other just as we are.

To all of you who are out there today, afraid and alone - open your heart. Say yes to that friends inviting you for coffee. Eat some cake with them and tell silly jokes. Give your time.

Let me just be clear. Friends can hurt you very deeply. They can pretend to be some one they are not, they can betray your trust, they can be cruel and  they can talk about you behind your back. Please !!! Remember - There are no guarantees but in the end the rewards are more.

Learn to love unconditionally, learn to trust, be patient, be kind, be the God kind, be a true friend and see how the loneliness in your heart dissapeares bit by bit. How by being a good friend good friends will come to you.

With lots of love - Too all my friends.

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