Today is just one of those days. You know - one of those days where you are at the point of either breaking something or where you just want to cry. It is one of those days where you feel totally out of control. Your emotions is going crazy. The most difficult thing in all of this is searching for a diamond. It is like searching for a beautiful flower in the midst of a very big storm. The wind is blowing, it is cold and wet.
Let's see. Maybe my diamond for today is the one thing driving me out of my home today - my mother in law. I think the storm in my body is making me crazy. My mother in law ??
She is visiting for a few weeks now and I am so frustrated. It feels like my life has come to a complete stand still. I have so many things I want to do but when I try doing something I feel guilty for not spending the time with her. She is not a bad person and I do love her but I need my space. I need to do the things I need to do.
How can she be my diamond ?? Okay, let's face it - I'm desperate. Maybe I'm faking it, maybe I'm not. Go figure - I'm trying to get away from her but feeling guilty because I'm doing what I'm doing - thus I'm still thinking about her even when I'm not with her. Very confusing if you ask me...... and stupid.
All I can say is this - keep on looking. Sometimes you will find your diamond - even in a storm - and it might just be the one thing you least expected it to be.
I think the thing is - and we must realise it sooner or later - life is not all about what I want and what I need. Take the time and look beyond your own feelings and desires and see everyday as an opportunity to do something for someone else. Do something for the one person that drives you nuts. Just love him or her.
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