Wednesday, 29 February 2012

First - I am so sorry for not sharing my diamonds with you this week. Sometimes it is better to just enjoy your diamonds all on your own. 
It gives you time to really look at them and appreciate them for what they are.

The one diamond I will share with you today is this: God will provide.

The whole week I've been searching for all kinds of quotations. I wanted to change our insurance and retirement funds. I've been calling my bookkeeper, my broker and everybody who could give me some advice. 

I've also been in the process of looking and waiting for a housekeeper. 

Needless to say - All of this costs money. Lots of monthly expenses would have been created.

And then, today - God sends an opportunity for my children to me. Something I never would have thought of. Something that could actually work and something that to my surprise, my husband and children loved.

Just in time - before I did everything my way. Just before I committed to something I wouldn't have been able to continue. Just in time to make me rethink my decisions and let me look the other way. Just in time to let me look upwards. To make me realise that I mustn't make any hasty decisions. I need to take my time and listen to His voice. Listen to what He has in mind for our future and the future of my children.

If there is something I learnt today, it is that at the right moment, when you are ready to hear what God has planned for you, He will provide. He will make sure you here His voice. He will make sure you land in conversations or He will use people as tools to reach you and make you listen.

And, yes I listened. But now I must trust in God to help me, to show me the way. I must trust in God to be my compass. I must be patient and I must rely on Him to create the opportunities we need to make this work. I must focus on the things He wants to provide for us. Come to think of it, He has always been providing us with lots. Opportunities, money when we needed it, food, jobs and health. He has always kept us safe. We can even tell you about our own miracles. Why would He stop now ????

I know now that He is there. He is a big part of me and my families life. He is our shepherd. 

I'm am so happy. My child is in another world. His reaction blew me away. I expected something totally different from him. Just goes to show you, he is ready. He is ready to place his life in God's hands. He believes in Him and he knows that wherever he goes, God will provide, God will be with him. He will never be alone. He is ready to surrender to God's will for his life. 

I don't know if I want to laugh or if I want to cry !!!

All I know is this: GOD WILL PROVIDE !!!!

Monday, 27 February 2012

I am who I am and one of the things that I am is straight. Sometimes I'm really quick to say what I think. I am not afraid to speak the truth and to speak up when everybody is quiet. Ethics is important to me and I thought it was important to all of us. Isn't it the way all of us should live. Aren't we suppose to consider the impact of our actions on others before we make a decision ?? I'm wondering ???

I'm, so tired of people saying they are doing something to benefit you but in the meantime they are only doing what is best for themselves. What do they think ?? Do they really think that we don't notice ?? Sometimes people can be so selfish.

My diamond for today is to big to define. No definition can be good enough. It is the one thing that helps me to keep it together. It is the one thing keeping me sane when it feels like everything is falling apart.

It is the one thing that, none of us can live without.
 My diamond for today is FAITH.

All of us really need faith. We need to believe in God. We need to have faith in His promises.

It is really difficult to keep the faith when things don't turn out the way you expected it to turn out. It is really difficult to keep on believing, to keep on praying when it feels like none of your prayers are being answered. It is really difficult to always keep the faith. It is really difficult if you don't have someone to turn to ??

Lucky for me I have a really good example. My husband is one of those people who is very faithful. Sometimes it is so frustrating. Nothing gets him to doubt God or any of God's promises. Sometimes I wonder how he does it. He is one of the most faithful people I know and believe me - threw my eyes he have had lots of reasons to lose his faith. He have had lots of people walk all over him and abuse his goodness. The marvellous thing about him is that he just goes on, doing what he does best - trusting God.

But you know what -
We are not suppose to look at each other and judge.
 We are suppose to look at each other threw God's eyes.
 We are suppose to keep our faith -
no matter what other people say or what the circumstances are.
We are suppose to keep on praying.

 I hope that I don't let my emotions get the best of me.
I hope that I will get strength from God
I hope that I never loose FAITH.

God is there for you. He is there for me. God wants you to put your faith in Him.
 If you'll just let Him He will show you the way and He will never leave you.
 He will even guide you towards where He wants you to be in the end.
 I'm begging you - When things get rough, make time to be quiet.
 Spend time with God.
I'm living proof of how God will bless you if you just take the time to look at your life.
Use the tools that He gave you, your Bible, music, nature .... your dreams.

Keep on believing.
Never loose FAITH !!!

I know that I am on a journey. God is showing me the way.
Now I must just TRUST Him and BELIEVE !!!
Let us all be FAITHFUL !!!

Thursday, 23 February 2012



What a feeling !!!! That feeling you get when you eat chocolate cake. It is as if all your troubles suddenly disappear and you are floating high..... on clouds !!!!

My diamond for today is without any doubt..... chocolate cake. My mother's chocolate cake. I absolutely love my mother's cakes. For some reason nobody can bake anything like my mother.
 It just doesn't taste the same.

I must say that I wanted chocolate cake for about a week now. I was hungry for it. When my mother called to tell they were on there way to visit I just couldn't resist. I asked her to bring along some chocolate cake. You must understand that this isn't easy for her. She must bake the cake and then travel 500 km with it. It is a huge effort. But one that I, at this moment appreciate very much.
 I will never forget the effort you put into making my dreams come true. 

I know that I will forever be your number one fan ... when it comes to your chocolate cake.

Is there something your mother does that makes you so proud of her. That makes you proud to call her your mother. Do you remember all the little things your mum did for you when you were a kid. Do you remember everything she is now doing for your children. I really hope so.

Mother's are like diamonds.

They are the hidden jewels in every household. Whatever they do affects the whole family. 
And believe me when they give love, like my mother and bake chocolate cake like my mother, you realise how precious it is to spend time with her. Time with your mother can never be wasted. It is with her that you can share your dreams and your hearts desires. I think my mother knows me better than I know myself.

I hope that my love will overflow like the chocolate from this cake above. For I am a mother too.

But, wait I must go. My mother's chocolate cake is calling me. I must go and fight for my share for my children love their grandmother's chocolate cake too .. Oh, man I don't want to share !

Wednesday, 22 February 2012




Today's diamond is a smile. 

Have you ever looked at all the people around you smiling?  Did you wonder what they were smiling about ? Did you ever wonder if it is smile that comes from wealth or from health ? Maybe the smile is because of something someone said, a joke... or maybe they just got some really good news. A promotion at work or maybe a beautiful gift. Did you notice that everybody smiles - young and old. Rich or poor. Everybody can always find a reason to smile even if it is just for a little while during each day.

One of my teachers told me that for every second you laugh you live a minute longer. I must have taken it to heart, because up until today I remember it very well.
 Every time I laugh I think about this sentence.

Did you know - Even God laughed.
Ps 37:13 The Lord laughs at the wicked for He sees that their own day of defeat is coming.
(Amplified Bible)

Today I feel like smiling. The whole day I catch myself smiling. I finally got it. I finally accepted who I am and what I have to offer. I do believe that this realisation is a long time overdue. I am a working mother, with a husband and two children. I do all my own housework and I love to meet friends for coffee. I love cake and I love reading. If you want to visit me, it is fine - as long as you don't expect me to be someone I'm not. Accept me for who I am. Sometimes I don't have time for all the housework, there will always be dirty dishes in the kitchen - but before I go to bed at night the kitchen will be clean. The washing will mostly be done and my husband and children will have seen me in a good and in a bad mood. I finally realised it - I'm human.
Surprise !!! So are you !!!

I feel like I'm walking on top of the world. This was a big hurdle for me - to finally accept the circumstances and opportunities coming my way - with a smile !!!

Today I did it and it feels as if I have won the war. The war between good and evil - I've won !!

I know that their is something great waiting for me in this season of my life. I'm waiting in excitement and with a smile. I'm really eager to see what the future has install for me and my family. I know my husband will be blessed for he has never lost faith. I'm taking this promise from God and I'm smiling - for we are ready. We are soooo ready !!!!

I have so many reason's to laugh and smile today - I don't even know where to start. I think I'm not going to share all of my reasons with you today. I think it will be to easy for you and then you will just copy my reasons and smile. I think you must look back on your own day. Find your own reasons to smile. Find your diamonds !!!! 

Each smile is a diamond. Each smile will affect the people around you !!! Each smile will make your life more awesome than it already is. And what a blessing to know that God is smiling with us. 

He is smiling because He knows we finally got it.
 He made us and He made us great.
 He is proud of who we are and what we've become. 

We are victorious !!!!

Hallelujah !!!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Today my diamond for the day is reading. 

I love to read. It is something that makes me forget about everything. It can make you forget where you are and  take you to far away places. Our imagination is a powerful tool.

It can give you information a broaden your overall knowledge. There is books available on every topic. 

These days you can read about anything, any time and every where. The inter net gives us access to a lot of information. However the thing I love to read the most is a love story.

Do you know that the love stories that people write are so pleasant. You can just sit back and read. Sometimes it will make you want to cry - and other times you will just smile. And when they bring the twist of the war into the books.... well I rest my case. Every story is so romantic and the people are so beautiful.
 I love picturing these stories in my head.

At the moment though I don't really have time for such stories so I tried something new. I tried a biography. The one about all the spring buck rugby players. Every one of them writes a little something about themselves. What a surprise. The stories they told surprised me. It really is an inspirational book. I think I love this kind of story because it makes you realise that everybody has a story to tell.

Everybody, no matter if they are famous or not has, somewhere in there life, been hit with sadness, with difficult choices, with happy moments, with the death of a friend or a family member and all of them had to make the choice - Either I believe in God or I don't.

It is just sad that some of us has to be so stubborn. God has to talk harder to some of us before we listen, before we open our hearts to Him.

Have you ever had the privilege to read the stories in your Bible. Yes, there are some books in the Bible that reads just like a story. Rut is one of those books. You can read it over and over and over again and each time you read it you will notice something different. It reads easily - but the meaning of this story. God also has some surprises for us. His stories will also fascinate you. 

I hope that you will try reading something new - today.

Remember, everybody has a story to tell. You can even write your own story. 
There is, and I'm just learning this now, no better way of sole searching than writing. There is no better way of getting to know yourself as to write your own story about you. You will soon realise that your life is much better than you thought because who wants to focus on the negative in there own life. It is much better to write about the positive. But remember the bad days helped you to appreciate the good days.

And in the future when you are reading - think about the writer for there is little pieces of his/her sole in that story. It took guts and it took a lot of time to write, whatever you are reading.

Appreciate the stories ....... appreciate your life !!!!
Appreciate your story .... for it will have a happy ending... just like God intended for it to be !!!

Monday, 20 February 2012

At this moment it is getting really hard for me to keep on going. It seems my diamonds keep on getting harder to find. I think at this moment my life is so busy that the time for me to be quiet, to focus on the positive things in my life, is getting harder to find. I wonder if this is normal. I love writing. I love the challenge of mining in my mind to find the positive things. The things that are so small but has such huge effects on our daily lives. I know that this is only a temporary hurdle and that there is a diamond for today -
 but where do I find it ?

Let us start by reliving my day. I had very little sleep last night because my little girl is sick. I was lucky at work for everything fell into place and I got the time to take my little girl to the doctor. Okay, there is my miracle. In the town where we live it is almost impossible to get a doctors appointment on the same day. Sometimes you'll have to wait two to three days for an appointment. Today I got lucky - I got one on the same day. The diagnoses was pretty obvious when the doctor heard the symptoms. The medicine was not that expensive - I expected a lot more in rand value. Luckily my husband was in town and could take my little girl home to rest. I could go back to work and finish everything I had to do. When I picked up my son after rugby practice he was smiling. The chances was that he got chosen for his school's first rugby team, so far. Nothing definite yet. When I got home it was the usual, cooking,cleaning and homework.
 My little girl was so glad to see me... and I was glad that she was okay. 

What do you think ?? Where is my diamond ??

I think my diamond for today should just be.... to be.

Yes, sometimes it is so obvious. After the day I had I'm glad to just be. I'm glad to just be home. Home with my family after a hard days work. I'm glad that we can eat, love and joke together. Play with the dog. I'm glad that today we were blessed in so many ways. 

You see what happened today, happened for a reason. It will definitely have an affect on my day tomorrow. It will definitely influence my opinion on something in the future. It will definitely create some opportunities for the future. I don't know what exactly this opportunities will be or when they will arise but I know they are coming.
 I know that what happened today gave me peace, a calmness.
 I know that God put us in this town for a reason and after a day like today I can bear it. It is as if He is showing me that I will survive. Everything I need is right here. I just need to know where to look and appreciate the people around me that are helping me in this season of my life. 
Thank you to my co-workers, my friends, the doctor, the pharmacist, the rugby coach and all the other people in town. You make life bearable.
 Even if sometimes we complain we are happy just be.

What does this mean ?? 
It means to be at peace, to love, to have hope for the future and to never give up dreaming.
For God is our King and He will provide.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

My diamond for the day is MUSIC.

There is so much different kinds of music. As they say music makes the world go round !!
It is the one way people from all over the world can talk to each other. Share their emotions.

Last night we went to a live concert.

People were all coming together. Not the heat or the traffic could keep them away.
 Everybody was happy, dancing together. 

Music has the ability to change your mood. Music can be used as a tool to collect some funds for people in need. Music are used in movies. Everybody listens to music in their cars while driving. Music has no age restriction. Music can bring life to a dull party. 

I hope music has given the same comfort to you as it has given me when things get rough. Soft music while laying in bed - carrying you of to sleep. Soft music while you and your loved one are dancing or just having dinner over candlelight. I hope it has been that source of life when you needed to talk to God but couldn't find the time. I hope that you have music as a companion when you are lonely. 

Let us all praise the Lord for giving people the gift of music.

Next time when you are listening to music. Listen closely. Listen to the words. Every song has a meaning, every song has a story. Maybe there is some comfort hidden in the lyrics. Maybe the lyrics will bring a smile to your face or a tear to your eye. Maybe it will make you want to dance.

Let us all appreciate the performers and the life they are living.

Let us be thankful that they are willing to share their stories with us.

Will you be able to share yours ???

Friday, 17 February 2012

Family Walks !!!

Today I wondered about walking. After one of my friends brought her 14 month old baby to me for a visit. She just starting walking. The  wonder of walking !!!

Walking is one of those things we take for granted. I'm sure of it because all of us, that can walk, assume that this is a standard thing. We are born, we start to crawl and then we start walking.... In the beginning it is tough but the more we practise the better we become. And when we can walk properly then we want to run. We all just assume this is the way of life.

How many of you know someone who can't walk ?? How many of you know someone who could walk and then suddenly because of some tragedy they lost their ability to walk ??

I must think really hard. And I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't know how to handle such a situation. 

I'm so very lucky that God blessed me with a healthy family. I'm so very glad that God has always protected us and kept us safe. He is the one that made sure that we as a family has the ability to take long walks in the bush, along the seaside and threw  the forests. He is the one that made sure my kids are healthy enough to participate in sports like rugby and hockey. He is the one that made sure that my parents, that are a bit older are still able to walk without any pain. He is the one guarding us threw each day.

I really hope that this is a blessing that wouldn't be taken away from us for we still have some kilometers to cover. We still have a few hills to climb.

For those of you who lost this ability. I will pray for the confidence and guidance from those around you to rise above your circumstances. I will pray that God bless you, a million times with something much more precious than walking. I will pray that God bless you with LOVE. I will pray that God will bless you with positive thoughts and hope for the future. For He created you and He knows the plans He has for your life. He didn't abandon you - He just made you different. He has something special planned for you.

And, yes. Even if you think she doesn't know what she is talking about or how difficult it is.
You are probably right. I don't know.

All I know is this: We are all equal and unique and beautiful threw God's eyes. He loves us all. He will hold our hands as long as we want them to be held. His power is within everyone of us and yes He is my Almighty Father whom I trust with my whole life.

And when I can't walk any more... He is the one carrying me.

Thursday, 16 February 2012


My diamond for the day is flowers. Not the flowers I received, but the joy I felt while giving it.

Flowers can bring back the sparkle in someone's eyes. It can be a way to say thank you. It can be a way to say you are special. It is a gift - from God to us, to enjoy.

Flowers can be such a blessing. You get all kinds of flowers and all kinds of colours. You get wild flowers and flowers that only grow in a garden. It is almost as if some flowers come alive if you look closely. 

I'm so glad I had the opportunity to give some flowers today.

What is your favourite flower ?? Why is it your favourite flower ??

Let us think about this today for every flower is special in it's own way. Every flower has a smell. Every flower has a purpose. Every flower has a specific colour. Why ???

Well I think God just wanted to tell us that we are special. He just wanted to give us a gift. Something to put back the sparkle in our eyes. Something that brings us back to life when we are lonely or sad.

I hope that you receive lots of flowers !!!! 

Remember !!!!
 Giving flowers is just as much fun !!!!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Sometimes our days can be full of surprises. 

My day had a few surprises. Some of them good and some of them bad. Some made me happy and some made me sad. However a surprise can be a diamond. 

One of those things that turn a calm day into a hectic one. It can put a smile on your face or it can make you cry. It can bring people together or it can ruin a good friendship.

The above mentioned is just some of the effects my surprises had on my day, on the rest of my life.

My friendship will never be the same.
 What is that saying - Don't be so quick to judge others, you might have something in your closet too.

Now that I think of it, God surprised me too. 
His surprise didn't make a lot of sense. At least some it did, the rest didn't.
But I hope it is okay for me to just wonder. I hope He will reveal the rest of it to me later.
You see - Sometimes you must be ready to receive that surprise from God - maybe I just wasn't ready.

I got a few surprises from my child's school. It kept me busy until very late at night - but I'm doing this for my child. Even if I have to work threw the night. The results will be worth it. Maybe it will even surprise someone else. Maybe it will help people to realise something about me that they never new. But I need to be realistic. There will be some critics along the way. Be brave, be strong....

Surprises - Something that happens unexpectedly. Something that you didn't plan on happening. Something with big consequences in your life. Something that changed the outcome of your day. It might have even changed your mood or your attitude.

I know my surprises will have a long lasting effect on my future if I let it. 

I think I'm just going to ask God to help me. Let us keep the good ones. Let us put the others behind us. Let us wait for the next surprise life hands us. Let us grab it and enjoy it while it lasts. 

Life will be so boring without surprises !!!

Surprise .......

No picture today !!!!

Smile !!!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Happy Valentine's Day !!!

Hope you were blessed with lots of diamonds today.

Remember diamonds can be small .... but the impact they will have on your day can be huge.

My day today was full of diamonds. Smiles, hugs, kisses, presents, ice cream, chocolates and  lots more.

The most amazing thing happened. As I was driving home from work thinking about diamonds I was wondering if ever I would wright a post after receiving a real diamond telling you that my diamond for the day was a diamond. Well, it happened. I received a gift - so precious. It was a ring, costume jewellery but the stone on top looks just like lots of little diamonds. Sparkling ....and really beautiful. Eye catching.
 A special thank you to my friend.

How remarkable ?? 

It made me think. God really do know your thoughts. And when you need a diamond -
He will provide. 

I had ice cream with my husband. We didn't have a lot of time, but it was very special. We both like ice cream and we did it together. It isn't the size of the gift that matters. The feeling you feel when you are with that someone special in your life, that is what counts. Even if you are just having coffee and chocolates. What matters is that you have people around you to share in your joy. To love you on Valentine's day !!!

I really hope that you don't need to wait until Valentine's day for people to show you that they care.

We need to realise that we need each other every day. We need to show love and appreciation every day. We need to spoil our loved ones and friends as often as humanly possible.

 Jesus didn't need or wait for a day to be dedicated to love. He said that loving one another is the most important thing we can do. Love one another as He loves us, all day, every day. There is nothing you can do to make God love you. He just loves us.

Smiles, hugs and kisses must be part of our everyday life.
 Love must be part of who we are.
 Giving must be part of our daily routine. 

I really hope your day was filled with everything that matters in life.
I hope God was the centre of your universe.
I hope you love Him as He loves you.
You are unique and you are special to Him.
You are His beloved child.

Isaiah 43:4 are precious in my eyes, and honoured, and I love you ...

Sunday, 12 February 2012

a Diamond ??? Some days we are really challenged. Where do we find our diamond ??? Today is one of those days for me. There is so many things on my mind - none of them positive. It is on days like today that I really need to focus. I need to use the tools God gave me to search. The Bible is one of those tools. Music, silence and fresh air, they all can help you. You need to meditate in God's presence. I know He is calling me. 

Today someone said something interesting. They said that we need to know that when we are doing well, we need to remember that it is not something we made happen ourselves. We can't be blessed threw our own doing. We need to realise that God has given us grace. He is the one blessing us with whatever it is we receive. We also need to realise, that it is wrong to do good deeds if we are doing it with the expectation to receive something back in return. You can't "buy" God's grace threw good deeds. You've already received it the moment He died on the cross for our sins.

Maybe my diamond for the day is GRACE...

Grace, the one thing no one can take away from us. The one thing God has given us that can set us free. If you realise how extraordinary this gift is you received, then you can live. You can live each day knowing that you've already received it and there is nothing that you need to do to keep on receiving it. It is a given - God's grace is forever, unconditionally. In every circumstance He will bless you even if you don't see the blessing immediately.

I've been mining today to see the blessing in some of my own circumstances. I really had to mine deep, but my children are healthy and safe, my husband is here with me (not overseas trying to earn a income for us), we all had a lovely meal with pudding, we have a nice car, I was able to take an afternoon nap and with any luck it will rain soon. Isn't that enough ??? Isn't that what's important in life. And all of this things I received threw the grace of God. Not one of this things I could make happen myself.

So what if people you trust disappoint you ?? So what if everything you try to make life better for other people are just thrown back into your face ?? So what if you've been hurt so many times that sometimes you feel like the pain is eating away parts of your heart ?? So what if your future is unsure threw your eyes ?? So what if you feel like you've been such a fool ?? So what ????

We need to be quiet. We need to silence those voices in our head. We need to forgive and forget. We need to let God do His work in people's lives. Sometimes it is just not our place.

Let us pray today. Let us be thankful for the diamonds that we do have. Let us thank the Lord for His GRACE. For it is threw His grace alone that we are here today. That we are able to go on every day.
Let us be quiet and listen to God's voice alone. He will silence all the other voices in your head and He will take your pain away. Let us all wait with great expectations on His blessings.

He is the one carrying us. We are His children.

Thank you for your GRACE ....

Saturday, 11 February 2012

In everyone's live there is some diamonds. Those small things that look as if they have no impact on our lives but when you look closely you will realise the impact they have on our daily lives.

The whole idea of this blog is to focus on the small things, the things that we sometimes take for granted.

One of those things for me, today, is the television.

I know it is a really bad habit to have, watching television the whole day. For some people it had a really negative impact on their lives however if used wisely it can also have a positive impact on your life.

Let me tell you about the story I watched yesterday. As I was jumping from one channel to another I came across a story where someone was telling her life story. She was living with HIV for a very long time before telling everybody she knows. As she said - she was banging at deaths door. But she got better and now she is using her testimony to empower women. To talk about the things no-one else wants to talks about, especially in the rural areas. This was a really inspirational story.

Because of my husbands job we can't always go to church on Sundays and yes, sometimes we are just lazy too. It is then when we watch Hillsong on television. A 30 minute church service.
 This has been a blessing in our home on many occasions. 

Today, as I was ironing our clothes I watched the movie Platteland. It was so relaxing. It helped me to forget the bad work that I was doing. It is a great movie !!!

I have found lots of good and bad on the television.
We as individuals have a choice.

 We can choose to use our television wisely or we can let it be a god in our home. A god who we choose above everything or anything else. A god that we put above spending time with God or above spending time with our families and husbands. A god that we choose to worship everyday. A god where the things of the world are promoted so eagerly.

We can also choose to use it wisely and within limits. We can guide our children to watch only the good, educational and uplifting stories. We can use it as a tool to serve God.

We must however remember that this can also be something we take for granted. We must remember that this item have a huge impact on our daily lives and those around us. A impact that can't be ignored. An impact that can be very positive, but also very negative. 

This is a diamond that can rob you of very special moments if not used within limits.

What I'm saying today is let us be thankful for our televisions. Let us ask God to grace us with the wisdom to use it wisely. Let us not forget that sometimes a diamond can make a thief out of some ..... but it can be a blessing to others.

Diamonds !!!
 I love my diamonds !!!
 It makes me focus on the positive in life instead of living in fear of what might happen in the future.
Don't miss the diamonds in your life.
Search for them as I search for mine.
For diamonds are sometimes very hard to find.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Isn't this picture amazing. Imagine how small you would feel standing there.
Not knowing where to go ?

My diamond for the day is very interesting. Interesting because I never thought I would be at this place in my life where I actually enjoy my ....WORK !!!

How many of us can be so lucky ?? My diamond for the day is my WORK.

I had a very busy week. It is strange to sit here and look back at this week and realise that I enjoy my work. Today I realised that I love a challenge. I love being in control. I love doing what I'm doing. I love it when, just as you think things are gonna get boring, something happens that makes you feel lost.... Lost as in this desert above. You don't know where to turn or where to hide. You don't know if you must go over the hill or around it. And then you attack the challenge. Hands on and with no expectations for success. And then.... what ever you did..... it worked. The problem is solved...... How amazing !!! 

 That feeling .... oh, it's so great !!! I love it !!!

But as much as I would like to think that I am the greatest worker on the horizon who can handle anything that is thrown my way. I know that isn't true. 

For the only way anyone of us can succeed at our working place is with the grace of God. He is the one guiding us along the way. He is the one keeping us strong when we feel lost and afraid. He is the one who deserves all the credit. Without God by our side, we can't be successful. He created us to do whatever He wants us to do. He created us to be testimonials of what He is capable of. 

Let us stand up in our working place. Let us be the kind of workers He created us to be. Let us be thankful for every opportunity He sent our way - because although at the time, it maybe wasn't so great. Maybe you got really hurt along the way. At the end He knew what He has planned for you. Just hold on and be patient.

I was and now I realise that everything I did until today was there for a reason,
for God was moulding me for this season.
This season of joy
This season of giving
This season of peace
This season of just being..... of just being.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012




Now as I am sitting here, writing this post..... there is something else. Something that binds us all together. It is the essence of our being. The reason we all say and do what we do.....


You tell me something... How do we live without receiving love, without showing or giving love?? Love, the greatest gift God gave us, when He send His only Son down to earth. When He died for our sins on the cross.... What was his reason ??? Love !!!!

There is lots of types of love. Love for your friends, love for your children, love for your husband, love for your parents, love for nature, love for cars, love for the less fortunate, love for music.... but most importantly there must be the LOVE for GOD.

As I am sitting here it is a reality... Love is part of every persons being. For some of us it comes easy but for some of us it is a constant struggle. For some it brings happiness and for some it brings pain. But the rewards for loving someone and to be loved in the same way by that person is such a big gift that we keep on trying.... searching.... longing...... For one day, as God promised we will find our true soul mate. The one person God created to be with us until we are grey and old.

For some of us we have already found that person. To receive the blessing of children after this is such a great honour. That God saw us fit to be a parent. For our children we will do anything. We will protect them, try to guide them, feed them and most of all LOVE them till there is no more love to give. They are the reason why I am writing late at night. To be part of everything in there lives keeps us busy. Sometimes we don't know which direction to turn but happy children is what motivates us to go on.

Just imagine your love for the most precious thing in your life. Imagine it as never ending and then you will find the true meaning of loving someone. Loving someone the same way God loves us.
 Forever... Unconditionally..... 

To all the people that I love so dear. 
Please forgive me if sometimes I don't show that love.

 Let us all strive to put our love into action !!! 

Let us all strive to love others as God loves us !!!

Let us all be patient and kind.Let us not be envious of one another.Let us not be boastful or vainglorious. Let us not be arrogant and inflated with pride. Let us not be rude. Let us not be self-seeking, touchy or resentful.
Let us rejoice in the truth and dispose of all evil !!! 


Tuesday, 7 February 2012

 Can chaos happen two days in a row ???

It was with a smile on my face that I realized that it was possible !!! For my Tuesday was just as blue. The only difference was that I handled it better. I knew it was chaos and I wasn't afraid. I just handled everything that came my way to the best of my abbilities.

CHAOS !!!!

You see God gave us peace, He gave us silence, He gave us hope, He gave us love..... but He also gave us chaos. He gave us chaos to bless us. What ????!!!! You are crazy girl ???? !!!! Is that your thought ???

Sometimes chaos is good. It makes you humble. It learns you about people. It pushes you out of your comfort zone. Sometimes it can even lead to change. Sometimes it can be really hard to control your emotions during this chaos, but you know what we all are just people. We are human.

So next time you have the blessing of chaos.... Live in it. Enjoy it as much as possible... God will guide you threw the rough spots and He will be waiting for you after the storm.... With the promise of everlasting love, with the promise of hope for the future and with the promise of life in abundance !!!

Let enjoy our chaos while it lasts. Tomorrow will be a better day.

There is no words... O my goodness !!! What a week !!!!

Yesterday, was a blue Monday !!! You know one of those days where you think:"What else can happen"??
One of those days with red, blue, purple and black moments.

In short it was: CHAOS !!!!

On my way home while thinking about my day I realized that my diamond for the day was....  

CHAOS !!!!

What are you crazy ??? You might say - but let me explain. If everyday was the same, wouldn't life be boring. What if there was no winter, no fall, no summer and no spring ??? What would happen ??? There would be no flowers, no rain, no snow, no leaves falling from the trees. Just as God created the seasons for a reason He created chaos for a reason. To challenge you. To make sure you realise your full potential. Because after the rain, there will be a rainbow. Beautiful, colourfull....The oppurtunities, endless.

Let us rise to the challenges life hands us. Let us smile and treat other people the way we want them to treat us. Let us be grateful for the days that feels like chaos... because in that chaos is the opportunity to grow. The choice to smile or be mad is all yours. But you know what I was just glad... Glad that the day was over and glad that God blessed me with the wisdom to realise that He wouldn't give me any challenge I can't handle. And as He promised, He will be with you every step of the way....!!!!

What an experience !!! Let's go on the joyride.... the joyride of life !!!!

Let's see where God takes us !!! 

Sunday, 5 February 2012


What precious diamonds friends are ??? This weekend I realised that friends are very precious gems. I didn't see many of them, but missed them terribly. They are the people surrounding us, learning us, helping us. It is with them that you share your dreams, your secrets, your fears. They are the people who dry of  your tears when you are crying. They don't care about how you look, how your house looks or what your bank account looks like. They accept you for who you are.

The thing is - I don't have many friends. But I know that I want to be a diamond for the few friends that I have. I want to be there for them when they need someone to talk to. When they need a shoulder to cry on or when they just want to have fun. 

Every-one of us just wants to be accepted. All of us just want to fit in somewhere. None of us wants to be rejected. Let me share this with you.

 I always thought that the more friends I have the less rejected I would feel. That feeling of loneliness would go away and I would always have someone to talk to. I thought that if I dressed a certain way, it would make more people notice me and I would have more friends.

 It was a lesson I had to learn in life. 

It doesn't matter if you have one friend or hundreds of friends. It doesn't matter if you see your friends everyday or only once a year. What matters is that God put them there for a reason. To help you and to guide you threw the seasons of your life. He will always provide you with someone to talk to when you need it most. And when the old season has passed and the new season is beginning he will provide again.

And you know what, if you can't seem to find a friend you can always turn to God. For He will be your Friend forever and ever, threw all the seasons of your life. 

To all my friends ...... Thank you for everything !!! Love you lots !!!!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Friday !!! Finally !!! Weekend !!!!

Sometimes we are soooooo busy. We run around the whole day everyday.

This morning when I woke up I was feeling really tired. I just wanted to stay in bed, but as usually God had other plans. He blessed me with my diamond really early this morning and it changed my whole day.


When was the last time you went outside, really early in the morning and just looked and listened at everything around you. Every morning in the bushveld is beautiful.... but sometimes if you look closely you will notice that every morning is different. This morning I felt the wind. It was blowing softly, slowly. Just enough to keep me hooked. There was no sand or leaves or any of those things that can irritate you when the wind is blowing. Just the little breeze it provided.

I was so glad and immediately got the energy I so desperately needed. Today was a busy day.

I hope that you will try this sometime. Instead of starting your day with a rush - start your day by just opening your door, going outside and taking in the fresh morning breeze. Look at everything God has created and be thankful for He also created the wind.  No matter how much you love it or hate it sometimes - it is part of our world. It can do great harm but it can also become a diamond among all the other things.

Enjoy your weekend and remember..


Thursday, 2 February 2012

I feel like the luckiest person it the world today.

Have you ever had something you just didn't know how to handle ? You knew something had to be said but knew that what ever you said wouldn't make a difference and it could only cause more pain than joy.

Well my diamond today...... SILENCE !!!!

You know what, sometimes as they say:"Silence is golden.". It gives you time to focus on what is really important. Sometimes you just need to put your trust in God, in His power. In His words. He is talking to everyone, everyday. Those of us who choose to be silent will hear Him. He is in control and He knows the future. He knows what He has install for you and for the people around you.
 He made everyone of us with a purpose. 

Please let me tell you that sometimes it is better to just be quiet and let God do the talking. He knows your heart and He knows what you want to say. Even if you feel like you can't keep quiet any longer.

 Trust me I love talking, talking,talking.......
I had to learn to be quiet. To be silent in His presence.

Let us learn to hear God's voice. To talk to Him. To pray for those who we want to talk to so badly. Let us learn to trust Him. He will give you your diamond ...... just as He gave me mine.

 For God will give you PEACE. 
A diamond all on it's own.

Aren't we lucky ???

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

This morning when I woke up, it was with a smile. God works in mysterious ways - That's for sure. 

Where would you look for your diamond today ?? 

I found mine .... and guess what ?? I didn't even need to look far. It was right under my nose. 


Yes, this morning when I woke up I was sure of it. He will be your protector too - if you'll let Him be.
He will protect your family, your husband, your children and your friends. Even when you are asleep He is protecting you. Every step you take He is with you, holding your hand.

All I wanted to do today was smile. I hope He knows that I am putting my trust in Him. My whole life and all the people I am surrounded with. I am trusting Him to keep us all safe and to guide us threw everyday.

I trust that you found your diamond for the day.

When you are ready you can share it with me. Together we will be thankful for every blessing that God has given us. Maybe if we look closely at the things that seems small and unimportant we will realise that threw God's eyes nothing is toooooo small to make a difference in this world......or put a smile on someone elses face........ just like a diamond.