Monday, 26 March 2012

The last few days I've been telling you about journeys and travelling. Walking and talking with God.

Well I have to say that my diamond for today is excitement.

I'm so excited because we are going on a holiday. We are going on a journey with our family.

I think the reason I am so excited is about more than just the vacation. I'm going to take this time to enjoy my family. To live in God's wonders. To experience His miracles. The sea, the woods, the rivers, the mountains, the sand and, and, and.........................................

I'm not going to take my computer with me so I won't be sharing my diamonds with you.

I'm going to experience my life in abundance, just as God intended for us to.
I'm going to spoil myself with peace and quiet.
I'm going to spread my wings and see where this journey takes me because ......
I'm going to be travelling with Jesus.

Will see you again after my journey.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Today I'm travelling with Jesus. 

What a privelidge to travel with Jesus.

 Me and my family was on our way to church when we realized that we were terribly late. In the end we went on a trip. We bought some ice cream and drove back home where we ended up - having church in the bushes under a tree, as a family.

It was a short trip but it was lots of fun.

I've realised, today, that we are on a journey, every day. We can choose to take God with us on that journey or to leave Him home. We can choose our destination and how we get there. We can choose the people we take with us on our journeys. We can choose to make some friends along the way or we can make a lot of enemies. The thing is whether you choose to take God along or not, He WILL be there. He IS with us on EVERY journey. It doesn't matter if you want Him there or not - He IS there. It is just a matter of whether you are man enough to admit it and to appreciate His presence. It is up you to make the right choices when the opportunities God is sending your way arises. 
It is up to you to take the route God wants you to take.

As I was listening to some teachings today I've learned something very valuable. It is about faith, about believing in God, about trusting Him completely.

I know I've been telling every one, including myself that we must trust God. That we must have faith in Him for He will provide for us. He will make all our dreams come true. He will answer your prayers and provide in all your needs for the future. But I've missed something. 

I've been having so much faith in God and trusting in Him for the future that I completely forgot to trust and have faith in Him for today. As I've learned today - We must learn to have faith in God while we are on our journey to the future. We must learn to trust in Him, now, while we are having faith in Him. We must trust Him all the way. We are sometimes so focused on where we want to be in two weeks or in six months that we completely forget where we are today. And where we are today is part of God's masterplan. It is part of the journey we are on to get where He wants us to be in two weeks or over six months. 

I've been so focussed on the future and every thing I will need then - that I've completely forgot about today. We need to have faith in God that He will be with us on our journey, everyday, as He is providing for the future, just as we are trusting Him to provide in all our needs. He is with us - all the way.

I'm so glad that my diamond for today is this journey I'm on. I really hope that your journey is a diamond for you too. Remember any turn you take, no matter if it is right or wrong, God is with you. The impact the turns will have is all up to you. Do you trust God enough to let Him take your steering wheel or do you want to travel alone. Will you have faith in Him from the beginning to the end.

Save travelling !!!!

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

I've been really busy but I'm so excited. We are going on holiday soon and we are busy getting ready for this adventure. During this time, however I've also been a little worried. I'm wondering if we will arrive safely and if everybody will enjoy this journey. I'm wondering if we will have enough money. I'm wondering about the weather and a lot of other things. 

But my diamond for today is the thing that gave me peace. 
My diamond for today is PROMISES.

Have you ever taken a moment to think about all the promises God made to you. During the last few days, weeks.... I've been constantly thinking about this. God has constantly reminded me of His promises to me.
He constantly reminded me threw dreams, threw scripture and threw my daily walks. He even made new promises to me. This promises gave me a lot to look forward too.

You see this promises, if I decide to make them my own is there to give me hope. It is God's way of telling me that everything will be okay. It is His way of letting me know that He is in charge. He has everything under control. I just need to trust Him. I just need to focus on Him and He will guide me and my family and keep us safe. And even when  we are going threw some rough times - He is always there. He will never leave me or forsake me. He is God almighty. 

I've been thinking about God's promises a lot. His promises has become my source for peace.

I'm just thinking - at this very moment. I am going to start to make notes. I'm going to write down all the promises He made to me. I'm going to write down the date and the time He made them to me. Not because that is important but to remind myself that I must never forget how often God is reaching out to me. 

I've been told that I must do this a million times but I never did.

 But today as I'm sitting here I'm so aware of the fact that I need to focus on God. I need to spend some time with Him. I need to reach out to Him and I need to talk to Him. I need to meditate on His promises - because if I don't I might miss out on the opportunities He is creating for me and my family. I also needs His guidance in regards with a lot of decisions that needs to be made in the next few months. I'm not afraid to let Him no that I can't live my life without Him. This is not a sign of weakness, as I always thought. This is a sign of  strength. This is a sign of how much I've grown spiritually as an individual.

I'm so thankful for all of God's promises.

Please - take some time out of your busy schedule. Take some time to thank God for the promises He made to you. Take some time to think about the effect they had or can have on your life. 

Although the promises might seem small and insignificant to you
they can have a huge impact on your life, on your future. 

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Words. Words. Words.

My diamond for today is definitely words. Have you ever been so touched by some one else's words that it left you speechless. No wonder the Bible describes the tongue as a powerful weapon.

Sometimes it is the shortest sentence written or the shortest words spoken that can have the biggest impact. The power of words can't even be described.

Every one of us reacts to words. Whether it is written or spoken. Words has an impact on our emotions. It can be promises from God or it can be just a conversation with a friend, it can be a joke or it can be a huge fight - words affects us all. Today the words I've read had a positive impact on my life.

Isaiah 59:1
 Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.

Imagine this. God is listening to us. He is hearing every word that we speak. Whether we are talking to Him or to a friend, to a child or to a parent. God hears it all. 
It leaves me speechless to know that every time I speak, God listens. 

In this whole world there is no one that loves to listen to our words more than God Himself.

He is just waiting for you to speak. Speak to Him. Confess your sins. Confess your love for Him. Confess your dependence on Him. He is just waiting to answer you. Whether it is via the Bible in written words, a scripture He has shown you or via His Holy Spirit talking to you in the Spirit, He wants you to listen.

They say it is good to sometimes just listen. Wise words have been spoken in just one sentence. Be aware. What will the words be that affect your attitude today. What will the sentence be that keeps you going or make you give up hope today. Words can be such an inspiration but if you allow it, it can also break your heart into pieces. It can damage your soul forever.

What a gift God has given to some people - using words to inspire the world. To teach the world about everything He wants them to know. To write stories and to sing songs. You know what ?? Words is part of our every day life. Whether we realise it or not - words is one of the most powerful weapons there is.

Please be careful of what you say.
 Please be careful of what you hear when some one is speaking to you.
 Please let God be your guide threw every day.
Let Him be the shepherd of your soul.
Let Him be the dictionary you use when you write.
Let us all be more careful with our tongue - Some of the damage you cause can never be undone.
Let's forgive and forget.
Let's listen to the words God wants us to hear.
Let's make this choice - here, now - together !!!


Remember !!! Words alone can never be enough. 
As they say :"You must practice what you preach"
Therefore our deeds must be the proof of what our tongue confesses.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Lord, today I don't have words. 
At the moment, I have a million questions.....
I know it is questions I'm not suppose to ask ???
But at the same time ..... I just want to cry.

Lucky for me, You know my heart, and You know I don't mean any harm.
Lucky for me, You made me a fighter and You will help me - 
I know You will help me to overcome this feelings.

And, yes, there you have it.It is so easy to let your feelings and emotions cloud your judgement.
As I'm sitting here - my diamond for today is becoming more apparent.

Positive thinking !!!

This is probably the hardest thing for me. To always be positive. To have a positive attitude, to have a positive outlook on my life, to always see the positive side of my circumstances. When days like today come my way it feels as if the devil just want to crash me. It is as if he is rubbing my nose in my failures and every one else's success is thrown in my face. After all of this - then comes the guilt. The guilt for letting my emotions take over against my better judgement.

I've been reading and hearing about positive thinking for years now and still I'm struggling to live that life.

But as the time goes by it is becoming easier and with the help of God, the negative stuff doesn't drive me to that far end of darkness any more. Don't get me wrong I still get the feelings but I'm not afraid to lay down my emotions in front of God. Sometimes I just cry at His feet - without any words. 

You see when you give the negative to God, He can make you see the positive. He has healing powers and He can take your pain away. He is the only one you can trust to do this - to heal your soul completely. 

The difference between today and any other day is this. I'm not afraid any more to humble myself in front of God. To acknowledge my complete dependence to Him.

With God on your side you will see - without a doubt the positive side of things. You will see that although sometimes you are vulnerable, He is right there beside you. He loves you in abundance.

And with this in mind - you will be set free.

God's love for you is the only thing you need to attack every negative emotion.
God's love for you is enough to carry you threw any war you might have.

Let us all focus on God !!! Let's appreciate the blessings He gave us !!!

Let's make the choice to be positive. A positive attitude, although it seems insignificant can change your day. It can change your day, your month, your year. It can change your life !!!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

I wonder what I can call my diamond for today. It feels as if I got a hand full of them today. So many nice things happened and I feel like smiling. Smiling..... It feels as if my soul is smiling.

You know what the wonderful thing is about a smile - when your soul is smiling it automatically lights up your face. Your eyes start to sparkle and you can't stop smiling. When you catch yourself you are smiling, thinking only about the positive things. The things that made your day worthwhile. 

It's the telephone calls from family. It's the people at work helping each other, joking. It's your children eagerly awaiting their vacation - asking all kinds of questions. It's ice cream and chocolates. It's coming home and walking into a clean house. Your pets surrounding you. It's finally realising that your life, as you know it can actually be described as perfect - even if you don't have lots of earthly wealth. You have a smile in your soul. That is something you can only get when you realise that God is on your side.

You see after realising that I have to live my own life. I thought about ways to do that. What can I change to help me cope with my current circumstances. What is the one thing that doesn't cost any money, but can change your day - as a matter of fact it can change your whole life.

I've come up with this one thing. SMILE !!! Let your soul spread it's wings and sour on the wings of an eagle. I must set my soul free to see the wide open spaces and the opportunities God wants for me to see.

My little girl is described as someone that always smiles. She's always friendly and has a lot of love to give.

So why can't I be like that. You know what. Everyone of us can be like that. 

I know when you start digging for your diamonds you will find lots of them. Even a smile can be a diamond. Remember - Your smile can change someone else's life.

Your own smile can brighten up your own day. 

And when your soul is smiling you will be able to set free God's miracles around you -
 for in every day there is a miracle happening.   

Let's grab on to God's miracles and smile as we fly through the seasons of our life.
 Let's face our challenges.
 Let's share our dreams. 
Let us all praise God for giving us the miracle of a smile !!!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Timing is such a little thing. Prioritising is suppose to be easy. Doing everything, every day as you planned it the day or the week before - this is not so easy. As some people says - life happens and you don't always know what to expect or if it will be good or bad. You also don't know what the impact of this will be on your future or on your daily routine. There is so many mixed emotions on whether routine is good or bad, I'm not even going to try to say anything. You can decide for yourself what works for you.

What I want to say today is actually very simple. Sometimes things don't happen the way you plan. Sometimes you spend days on planning the perfect tomorrow - but what happens if suddenly the perfect tomorrow doesn't come. What if something or someone unexpectedly interferes with the perfect tomorrow you had planned.

This happens a lot to me. The thing is I know it happens a lot and I still try to plan everything to the perfect minute. The perfect minute as it fits ME. And there you have it, it is all about ME !!!

Do you think I have the right to get upset if everything doesn't go the way I plan it. Do you think I have the right to be mad at the other people for turning my day or week upside down. Do you think that I have the right to make everything in this world about what is best for ME ???

I've been reminded that this is not what Christ did.

Christ gave His only son. He didn't do what was best for Himself. 
He did what He thought was the best for someone else. He made the ultimate sacrifice.

How many of us - during the last week or so, did something for someone else without expecting something back in return. How many of us was glad when something happened that turned our world upside down - in other words something happened with the worst timing. How many of us changed our perfectly planned tomorrow with a smile, just to please someone else.

My son have been thrown from place to place and team to team this rugby season. His teachers all are just doing what they think is best for themselves. My son however is just dealing with it - with a smile. He keeps on playing his heart out. He keeps on practising, giving his best everyday - not minding in which team he plays. I want to get that coaches and tell them how there behaviour has messed up my planning week after week but something keeps on holding me back. 

I think the inspiration is my son and his attitude towards all of this chaos. 

Sometimes we can just look at our kids. They are just living each day to the fullest. They do as little planning as possible for tomorrow and when tomorrow comes they handle whatever comes there way, when it comes there way. 

I wonder - When in your lifetime did you become the planner and the person who always worries about tomorrow. When did we lose our childlike outlook on life ?? When did we begin to think that we can change tomorrow by perfect planning. When did we lose our guts. We must have more guts than our kids. If they can handle everything coming there way every day, how come we can't do the same.

Yes, we as parents are there to catch them if they fall but we also have someone to catch us when we fall. We must just grab His hand. We must just trust Him.

I am so tired of all of this planning. It is time consuming and when my budget doesn't work as it is suppose to  or when someone does something that needs me to reorganise my week - I get really mad. 

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying don't plan at all. All I want to ask you is to when you make plans and things don't go your way. Think of the other parties involved. Don't get so mad. Deal with the problems ahead one at a time - and do it all with a smile. Without forgetting where your real strength are.

 Don't let the perfectly planned tomorrow's ruin your chances of enjoying the day God has given you today.
Don't forget to focus on God. He will guide you through everyday - one day at a time. 

And as I've learnt during the last few weeks. Never let anyone make you think that God isn't with you. 


Remember !!! Every obstacle can become a opportunity if you look at it from God's perspective.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Isn't this one of the most beautiful pictures you've seen in a long time ?? I love this picture of this trees. It is a picture of two trees growing next to each other but at the same time growing in different directions. If you look quickly they look the same but there is so much differences. Some of the differences cannot even be seen for they are underground and others are very obvious.

My diamond for today is about exactly this. I cannot give one word for this, maybe it should be growth, maybe is should be living, maybe it should be developing. I don't know but after my last blog I disappeared into myself. I've been trying to listen to the Holy Spirit.....and guess what, I've heard.

The thing is - We are all planted at a specific location for a reason. Even if you are ready to move on, maybe you haven't fulfilled your destiny at the location you are at. I've been living next door to lots of people. Some of them nice and others ..well, lets just say .... not so nice. Me and my children have been hurt and I suppose if I'm absolutely honest we've hurt some people too. 

Today I've found lots of diamonds during the day.

Firstly, I realised that although I'm ready for some change. I've been living  my life to the fullest. I've not been living my life from the point of the strengths that I do have but focusing on the stuff that I don't have. In other words I've let the things that I don't have overcome the things that I do have, instead of building on the things that I do have. You see if you start building on the things that you do have, only then will you be able to get the things that you don't have. Then God can bless you with opportunities. Only then will you be able to see that opportunities and grab a hold of them with an open mind.

Secondly, I realised that we are all on a journey. We are all growing - daily. There will always be some obstacles to overcome. We don't know where our journey is taking us but what we do know it that it is going to be an adventure. There will be some rainy seasons and some droughts.

 But, just like most trees we will survive. Our branches might grow in another direction but we will grow, slowly, until we've become the person God created us to be.

And the the most important thing of all. Although we are neighbours and we live in the same town or even next to each other, we are all suppose to live our own lives. We are not suppose to be so focused on other people's lives that we forget to life our own life. We are not suppose to sat on the side and criticise other people's decisions instead of making our own decisions. You know what I've realised - I've been spending so much time talking about and criticising my neighbour and the life they've been living. I've spent so much time analysing their live that I've forgot to live my own life. Yes, the decisions they make affected mine - but I should have spent my time adjusting my own goals and looking for opportunities, talking to God and listening  and following his guidance. 

Even if, just like this trees we are planted next to each other - we have to make the decision. Are we going to grow upwards or  sideways. Are we going to grow into each other or are we going to stand still. Let the other tree grow and then live in his shadow or much worse just give up hope and die. The other things that happens it that as soon as you start growing and begin to blossom someone comes and cut you back into the shape they want you to be. So you have to start all over again.
I've realised that - although I've been receiving lots of water and had every opportunity to blossom, I let the trees next to me take the water. I didn't even realise the water was coming down for me to take.

I know this journey of life, of growing of wanting more ... is going to be interesting. I've received lots of promises from God. He will keep on watering me and He will protect me from the storms that may come. 
But I now know that my strength comes from within my own sole. From living life out of the strengths that He gave me. I now know that by focusing on what I don't have I've lost some valuable time on my journey. I should have capitalised on what I have and make the best of all the opportunities that came my way. 

I hope that it isn't to late. I hope that you can understand this scenario I've painted for you.

Live your own life today. Be happy. God will provide for the future.
 Listen to his voice and trust Him completely.

I'm asking Him to forgive me for all my mistakes. I believe He will and through out the next few months I will  grow into the tree He created me to be. I also know that I will blossom and when God is finished with me - people will be amazed at how great God can be.

After all, He is my saviour and when He sees me He sees His creation. Flawless and beautiful.
 Just like everything else He created. 

Be proud of where you are today !!! God will bless your future !!!!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

I'm in the mood for something drastic....something different. 

I'm still waiting for the inspiration to hit me. I hope when it will be something that will blow my mind. Something that will make me want to wake up in the morning. I think I'm going to start .........................

Okay it hasn't hit me yet. 

I am so tired of feeling this way. Always feeling guilty for wanting more. You must understand - it is not that I don't appreciate what I have - but I need to dream. I need to become the person God intended for me to be.
I'm am so tired of chasing after or being somewhere that I am not happy. God didn't want for us to be unhappy. He wanted for us to be happy, to enjoy life and to be the person He created us to be with a smile. 

My blog today is going to be very short.

I need some time to focus. I need some time to spend with my diamond. I think there this diamond is in every one. That diamond is the Holy Spirit. 

Maybe if I am really still and I'm alone under the stars tonight I will hear God's voice. Maybe then I will get my peace.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

My diamond for today... It can be the dentist. It can be talking. It can be friends. It can be money. It can be my children. It can also be my father's health. 

But I must pick one and the one diamond I chose today is praying.

I don't always know when and where or how to pray. People always makes me feel as if my prayers isn't holy enough. I don't use enough big words and I don't pray very long - but I do know this - I pray and someday my prayers will be answered.

When I went to the dentist today, I was very scared. I don't like going to the dentist. But some days it is necessary. Naturally when the dentist start to work I close my eyes - too afraid to watch. I don't want to see any of his tools or little gadgets. But today as I was laying there I started to pray. I prayed for lots of stuff but also for the dentist. I prayed that God will give him wisdom as he was doing his job. I Prayed that God will make me calm and I prayed and prayed and prayed. When I stopped praying it was done. A job that usually take one hour he did in 40 minutes. The time went by so quickly. 

When I walked out I could bless him and wish him as blessed day for I knew God was with him and he would not forsake him. I realised that being a dentist is also a job God called someone to do. It is something he wants to be and something he is good at.

Praying doesn't have boundaries. Praying doesn't have rules. 

All praying requires is a pure heart. You must make the time to pray. But most importantly I think a prayer is just a conversation between you and God. It is when you can tell God all your secrets and your hearts deepest desires. It is when you  take your pain and put it in His hands and trust Him to deal with it.

My prayers were answered today and if I think about it lots of other times too.

Please think about how those prayers changed your life........and then pray again for conversations with God is something we need every day. Even if it is just to say thank you !!!!

Look at the picture in the beginning. 
I think prayers releases the light within each and every one of us.
A light that shines from within, a light that comes from God.

Monday, 12 March 2012

As I am sitting here today I'm amazed. Sometimes when you need it most you will receive an email or a sms or just a message via something electronic that just blows your mind away.

Needless to say my diamond for today will have to be my email. 

I received the most beautiful email today. And you know what - The person that sent it don't even know me or how I was feeling at this moment. It just goes to show you - You can expect your miracles.

Even if you feel totally lost and thinks no one knows how you feel, God knows. 
He always has the big picture in mind.

 Just like with David. I didn't even realize until yesterday how much wars David had to fight before he became king. He had to fight battle after battle after battle and Saul still wanted to kill him. There was no thank you or no reward. Instead of this he had to hide for they wanted to kill him. After every battle he fought for them. But threw every battle God never left him. He took his hand and He protected him. David wasn't hurt at all. The one thing that leave me speechless is that time and again he had the opportunity to kill his enemies and every time he showed them mercy. He knew that God will let life take it's course. David was indeed a loyal servant to his God. He never did anything without consulting God first.
 I can only wish....!!!!

But before I totally lose track of what I wanted to say. If you receive lots of emails and don't have the time to read them all. Be careful because one of them might contain the inspiration you need for today. I know we all receive lots of junk, but maybe, just one day you will receive a blessing or the message you so desperately needed to hear. Just maybe your message can be the blessing someone else needs. 

There are lots of different ways to look at it. I suggest you listen to what your heart tells you. God will show you the way - just as he showed David. And if you need the proof .... read 1 Samuel .... the whole book. It will give you the proof you need - today !!!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

My diamond for today is very simple: Colour !!!

Have you ever pictured your life without colour. There is so much colours and so much you can do with colour.  Nowadays every colour has it's own meaning. Every colour can describe something about the mood your in. 

Today I realised how boring my life have become. I love colour, I always have and always will. I couldn't understand why I felt so frustrated sometimes. As I was making some jewellery today I realised that I've been hiding. I've been hiding that side of me, that side that needs adventure, that side of me who needs colour in her life. I am so bored with the current colours in my life. Everything is some shade of brown or a natural colour. Who are the person that made this choices. I love red !!! I love orange !!! I love green and purple. I also love to mix colours. The problem today is this - Everything is either stripes or dots. It is colourful but - not pretty. 

The fact that my garden is also dull and have no colour makes this more obvious. 

But for me to bring colour back in to my life ???? This will take time.

 I think the circumstances you are in also dictates the colours you use. The way you feel about your circumstances. I thought I was happy. I love the job I have at the moment, I love some of the aspects of the house I live in, I thought I've reached a point where I was okay. But every once in a while something happens and then I realise..... I want more. I don't want to end here. I've given up my dreams. I've given up doing the things that I love. Am I selfish ??

I wonder because you see everything is about me and my feelings. How do I get pass this.... Okay !!! This negative attitude. I want to dream. I want to put colour back into my life, but how. These last few days it is as if  I keep on hearing the same sentence. Nobody can change your life except you !!! Nobody can fulfil your dreams except you. But where do I start.
 First I must find my dreams again. 
Then I must convince my husband to also want more.
Then I think we must dream together.
Maybe this is our problem. We don't dream together. We don't dream the same dreams. 

I feel like crying ?? What colour do you think tears is ??
 What colour do you think your tears will be ??
 Will it be happy tears or sad tears ?? 

You know what - just a few weeks ago I said in this same blog space: " Trust God, He will provide. He will keep you safe. He knows your heart and He knows how you feel "

I wonder now, how at this moment my life can be so dull. You see nothing changed except the way I look at my life. What will happen if just one day I stand up and say - I can't take this no more. I can't be the person they want me to be. I can't bear to watch one day longer how my husband is working so hard and never picks the fruit of his hard work. I can't bear to be his number ten or lower any more.... I can't compete with his job any more. I can't keep on worrying about how we are going to survive today, or next month or next year. I'm not happy driving two hundred kilometres alone to get my children to proper schools. I want to move. I want to move on with my life. I'm tired of struggling the same struggle all alone.  I'm just giving up.

What colours will I use in my home then. What colour will you use when the real you finally appears ??

Let me tell you this. I don't know !! All I know is that I need colour in my life again. I need something to give me hope for the future. I need something to let me know that life will not always be so dull !! 

I hope you know the colours of your dreams !! 

I hope God knows the colour of my dreams for at this moment I am still seeking. 

I've lost another battle. But I will stand up again and one day - I will share with you - what it was that made the difference. 

I'm pretty sure I will be telling you that trusting God made the difference but for now I must work on that trust again for the devil came and he took what matters most to me. He took away my hope and made me feel hopeless. He took away my love and now I'm loveless. He took away the sparkle in my eyes and now I'm colourless. He took away my positive attitude and now I'm negative. The sad thing is I let him do all of this. I wasn't awake. I was so sure that I had everything under control, my emotions would't get the best of me again. I just need to hold on to God's promises. 

I'm asking you please. Don't let the devil take God's paintbrush for your life away. Please be strong. Please be aware. Please - keep the faith. Please let God paint the pictures in your life He wants you to see. Please keep on looking. For you will find the meaning of your colours. 
The colours God used to paint the perfect picture of you.

Saturday, 10 March 2012


Diamonds for the sole. I must say it wasn't until this very moment that I realised what my diamond for today will be. I've been ill and using the painkillers I told you about. It made me sleepy and I stopped blogging for a few days. I just didn't have the energy. Today I was really grumpy and I couldn't understand why ???

I also couldn't find a diamond or anything good during the last few days to tell you - and the less I told you the grumpier I felt. It was only a few moments ago when it hit me. My diamond for today is this blogspot. 

Strange how you only realise what is important to you when you lost it. You see, my blogspot made sure that I searched for the good in everyday, everyday. So when I stopped blogging I stopped focusing on the positive in my life. The pain of the negative totally overwhelmed me and I only saw the negative. And believe me, when you look hard enough there is so much negative to see. The negative has the power to overwhelm you and destroy you. It has the power to influence everything you say and everything you do also. 

What a lesson ???

So it is now that I realise this blog is a must for me. I need this blog to keep me from losing control. I need to share my good stuff with you - not only to give you hope but also to give myself some hope. I need to share my stories with you to help me keep my dreams alive.

Isn't it strange, how when you lose focus everything becomes bigger than it is ??

For example, solar heating. This week my husband told me that his boss wants to use our house to try out solar heating. I totally flipped !!! Why, because she knows that I shower every morning at 5h00. I wouldn't have warm water. She knows this but still she are thinking about this. I've heard such horror stories. Some children in my family wanted to watch my son's rugby game. They irritated the "hell" out of me. Sorry but there is no other way to tell you. I just couldn't handle it. And so there is lots of things that happened this week.... while I was not blogging. And my reaction to all of the above were so negative !!!

And know as I'm sitting here, thinking about all of it - I know that there is a better way of handling it. As a matter of fact there is only one way of handling it and that is to keep focusing on God. To trust Him to make my pain bearable, to trust Him to help me not to lose control. I've been confused by the world. I've been confused by my physical pain and I let it influence my judgement. 

So you know what - I think I need to thank all of you for reading my blog. I need to thank all of you for not giving up hope. I need to tell you that you as my readers are my inspiration and I will keep on feeding this blog......I will keep on sharing my diamonds with you. I need to do this !!!


Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Painkillers !!!

What - You are so out of line. I know. I'm not promoting pain killers - but pain. Pain is no fun. Especially when that pain is something like toothache. It makes your whole head pain and then it makes you grumpy and irritated. You want to eat but you can't. Is it the way to losing a few pounds ???
 Maybe, but it is very painful.
Lucky for me, my pain is only temporary. In a few days it will all be over and in the meantime I'm drinking my painkillers, within the given limits, off cause - to just get on with the day.

Pain, if you think of it seems like such a short word - but it can have such a huge effect on your life and those around you. Physical pain is rough, but I'm also talking about emotional pain. How do we cope with it ??

I'm no expert on either of them. I've always had painkillers for the physical pain.

Emotional pain, however is a whole other story. I suppose every one of us was hurt emotionally sometime in our life. I also think every person deals with his/her pain in a different way. I've read of some people acting like total jerks, to hide their pain and then there is other who becomes a "joker" to hide there pain. Some people abuse alcohol or become addicted to drugs. Some people go out of their way to hurt others just to hide there own pain. And yes, some people trust other people with their pain in the hope of never being hurt by those people they trust. And then there is those of us who just cry from the morning to the evening, we sulk like there is no tomorrow. Lucky for some, most of the above ways to deal with emotional pain leads them to someone who can lead them to God. The most powerful healer of all time.

Today, in this world I pray for HEALING. I really hope that healing will take place in our town and all over the world, especially in the lives of those people we care about. I hope that people will realise that God is there. He is never far away. He has the power.

He has given lots of people on earth the ability to pray. They must pray for people and nations in pain. No painkiller can stop people from going to war over things they have no control over. No painkiller can kill the pain of a parent or child or friend dying unexpectedly. No painkiller can kill the fear we have of rejection or the fear of being a failure. No painkiller can kill any emotional pain caused by murder or rape or any kind of abuse. No painkiller can kill the pain of fear, of not knowing the future. No painkiller can replace God !!!

I hope that wherever you are and whatever your pain is - you will be patient with yourself. I hope you will keep on looking and I hope there is someone praying for you.

Today I pray that God will heal the world !!! I pray that He will take away every one's individual pain so that we can help each other heal. I pray that you will keep your faith in the midst of your pain and expect your  miracles. God will make them happen !!! He can make them happen !!!

God please heal everyone in emotional pain and be with everyone in physical pain. Please Lord take there hands and the hands of there families and friends. Make them strong threw this time. Please God be the Healer that we need you to be, now and forever.
We trust you.
Thank you Lord for the healing that is taking place all over the world right now!!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Where do I begin ?? 

I've been blessed with a hand full of diamonds today. I really want to share all of them with you but then I'll have to write a book in one day. I've been busy reading and watching numerous DVDs and other stories on TV. In short I think I've been feeding myself spiritually.

Needless to say, I must share this one diamond with you today.
 My diamond for today will have to be Samuel. 

No questions asked. Samuel is one of the books in the Bible I've been called to read lately. And what a blessing it turned out to be. As a child you always hear this Bible stories. I however never got the meaning of the stories. To me it was like history. Boring, boring, boring ... and I definitely didn't like it.

At this moment in my life - I can truly say I am a changed person. 

I know this because at this moment I'm reading Samuel and every chapter is making sense. God is speaking to me so clearly threw this book and everything that happened. At this moment this book is far from a boring history lesson - it finally came alive to me. 

I think the thing I want to tell you today is that, everyone of us is always in the process of growing. We are growing physically, financially and emotionally. When you are a kid you listen to everything everybody tells you and some of it make sense and other things doesn't. But - there is no need to punish yourself if you aren't on  the same level as other people. You might think it is bad to be behind in some areas, but it isn't. 

You see I've just come to realise that when you reach a point where you think you know enough and you aren't reading or aspiring to know more, there is something seriously wrong. God will always be there. He will always try to reach you and to teach you and guide you towards knowing more. To making sense out of everything. Part of being a child of God is to always be growing. He will always find something new to show you in his Word. You must just learn to trust Him to open your spiritual eyes and to hear his voice. 

I always felt I wasn't a big enough Christian for everybody else to share their stories with me. I always thought I was behind and that everybody else was better Christians than me. What a laughable way to feel. At this moment I want to kick myself for being so silly. Did I let other people make me feel like I'm not good enough ?? That I'm not worthy ?? That my faith wasn't enough ?? You might laugh at me too for thinking this way, but I did. And you know what - I'm not proud of the way I was thinking - but this is exactly my point. We all are in the process of growing. Luckily for me my eyes were opened and God sent people my way to show me my mistakes. I really hope that He will sent someone your way too.

At this moment I know God is with me every step of the way.
 He is guiding me threw this process of growing.

I really hope that, when something in the Bible doesn't make sense to you, that you don't give up trying to understand. I really hope that you wouldn't feel unworthy or stupid or even dumb. I hope that you will be patient and trust God for threw His wisdom every book in the Bible will come to life for you too. When the time is right He will open your eyes too, and then you will understand !!!

The most important thing as I've learnt today is that you fill yourself with God, that you read your Bible and that you spend time with God. Pray to Him and praise Him in whichever way you feel comfortable. He is your Dad. Nobody can judge you or tell you what is right or wrong. Talk to God whenever you want to and believe that your faith is good enough. Don't let anybody make you feel unworthy of God's love.

God loves us all equally. 

Just open your heart to Him and let Him in !!! He is knocking !!! Open the door !!!

Don't be the fool I've been..... !!!!

Remember - God wants us to have fun, doing what He wants us to do, on our way to heaven !!!